Assistant Principal - Curriculum
Lou Corso
Assistant Principal - Curriculum
Lou Corso
Welcome Back!
A very warm welcome back to our school community after the Term 3 break. I trust that everyone who had time off is suitably refreshed and re-invigorated for the events and happenings of Term 4 starting with our School Production and the Level 5 and 6 camps later in the Term.
Working Bee- Term 3
Thank you to all the parents and students who turned up for our third working bee this year. We successfully completed all the tasks for the morning including staining the new seats, filling the new planter boxes with dirt and planting new plants, refilling sand pits with sand and lots of weeding. We hope to see some new families at our last working bee later this Term.
Over the holidays we asphalted the staff car park and walkway between the oval and basketball court. This has made it much safer for staff, students and parents walking along this path and will also prevent rocks from entering the oval. It also looks fantastic!
HEPS Clubs
Lunchtime clubs will continue in Term 4. These clubs are open to all students across the school, however, there may be limited spots in some clubs due to limited resources or space. Our students will be given a reminder by the classroom teachers when clubs will be running. We hope to support all students to access these clubs and further develop their social skills and friendships through meaningful and practical experiences.
SunSmart Policy – Hats
This is a reminder that our SunSmart Policy is now in effect for the remainder of 2023. All students must wear a sun-protective hat that shades the face, neck and ears for all outdoor activities as per image. At Recess and Lunch, students who are not wearing an approved hat will remain in the undercover area.