Students across the school have been engaging in a range of engineering, robotics and design thinking projects. A spotlight on some of these has been included below:
Foundation students are learning about the design Thinking Process and considering how everyday shapes and objects can inspire design choices.
Grade 1 students are learning about the Scientific Process, applying their measuring, predicting and observing skills.
Grade 2 are exploring iconic buildings of the world. Students are creating their own models which consider the shapes and sizes which make these building unique.
Grade 3 students have been engaged in creating a Zooper Dooper holder, which helps keep our hands warm whilst we enjoy these frozen treats. In the design process students considered both function and creativity.
Grade 4 students are creating mechanical arms which reflect our understanding of how our fingers, hands and arms work. We have learnt about the role of joints and tendons so far. We have formed a connection on how inventions such as the claw machine are inspired by the movement of our hands.
Grade 5 and 6 are starting Term 4 with Robotics, creating vehicles using the EV3 lego education kits and will code their vehicles to perform a range of movements over the next 5 weeks.
Science Talent Search
This year we had 7 students participate in the Science Talent Search competition. I am pleased to announce that we received amazing feedback from the judges that our students were well prepared, chose interesting topics, reflected on their successes and failures and planned for future exploration well.
The following student were awarded Bursary prizes for their projects.
Ramis (Major Bursary)
Working Model
I created a scale model representing the concept of converting and storing energy. I demonstrated that by using solar panels to power homes when there’s sun and storing excess energy as pumped water storage. When there’s no sun a hydroelectric plant powers homes using the stored water. The model represents storage of excess renewable energy as potential energy instead of being stored in batteries.
The reason why I chose hydroelectric power or pumped water storage is because it is 100% renewable and I found a real project that is being implemented in Queensland called The Pioneer-Burdekin Mega Project.
The energy is being converted from:
- Light (Sun) → Photovoltaic (Solar panel) → Electric Energy→ Kinetic Energy (Water pump) → Potential Energy (Upper water reservoir)
- Potential Energy (Upper Water reservoir) → Kinetic Energy (falling water and spinning turbine and motor) → Electric Energy
Nicholas (Minor Bursary)Scientific wall chart
Coding Club
This term students will be supported to participate in the Moonhack coding competition. Students will have the opportunity to learn new coding skills whilst displaying their creativity and understanding of space exploration.