Level 5
Level 5
Welcome back to Term 4! We are so excited to see all the children back in the classrooms and look forward to a productive term of learning.
The Level 5 camp consent and payment is due by Wednesday, 11th October, as the event will close at the end of the day.
If you have chosen for your child not to attend, please decline the event, as this will help with planning.
Writing a newspaper article
Students imagined being an investigative newspaper reporter living in a disaster-prone country. As a journalist, they must inform the public about this terrible event. They choose a major natural disaster that has occurred somewhere in the world during the 20th or 21st centuries. They researched this event and presented their findings as a detailed newspaper article.
We will also revise the structure of persuasive texts with the students and discuss the features of the title, opening statement, series of arguments and concluding statement. Moreover, we will be learning about the persuasive text's purpose and forming arguments for and against it.
Currently, our focus is on synthesising. We use a graphic organiser and sentence starters to write a detailed synthesis. Next week, we will revise our knowledge of cause and effect and explore it in more detail.
To extend our knowledge about “Financial Plans and Budgets”, we are revising Australian money. Students will explore the value of coins and cash, add and subtract money, and work out the discount using percentage knowledge. We will use these skills later in the term when we plan a business and calculate the cost and profit in our Inquiry unit.
We are investigating the difference between needs and wants, the types of resources we have, and how we use them. Later in this term, we will explore how to put together a business plan. Students will be able to identify and investigate contemporary economic and business issues or events. They will apply economic and business reasoning and interpretation to solve problems and understand the behaviour of economic participants. Students will understand how decisions will shape their future and think critically about their options.