Assistant Principal's Report
Georgia Despotellis
Assistant Principal's Report
Georgia Despotellis
Welcome back to the last term of the year! I trust everyone had a lovely break from school routines and enjoyed some of the sunshine over the holidays.
We welcomed two new families/three new students this term.
The last week of Term 3 ended on such a positive note. The Footy Colours and Sausage Sizzle Day was amazing and a highlight. You can read some of the comments from our students in this newsletter.
The Year 2 had their Open Afternoon and Dress Up Day (Changing Times). The Year 5s also had their Open Afternoon, which was well attended by our families. Please see the photos below.
Safety Message
We have noticed many students being dropped off at school before 8.30am. This is a friendly reminder that there is no supervision in the school grounds until 8.45am. If you need to drop your child/children off at school before that time, Team Kids is available and it’s easy to register. Please contact the office if you need any assistance. Any children found in the playground, without an adult present and before 8.45am, will be brought into the office and parents will be called. I thank you for your attention to this safety message.
As a new term starts, I would like to advise that there have been many strategies put in place to manage playground concerns. We have extra staff on supervision at recess and lunch times. Junior teachers are assigned to junior areas, and senior staff are assigned to the senior areas where possible. Students have been instructed to report any concerns to the yard duty teacher promptly. This is essential for us to work with the children as soon as an issue arises, for a speedy resolution. Please assist us by reinforcing this message to your children. Depending on the situation, those concerns will be referred to me for follow up and for monitoring and if need be, for parents to be contacted and individual plans put in place.
At a school level, playground issues are documented on our whole school management system, Compass. This provides us with vital data. There are consequences put in place for any incidents which clearly breaks school rules, such as hitting or hurting others and for repeat offenders. Consequences include the loss of half of recess and/or lunch time or internal suspensions.
I am working closely with teachers and cohorts of students, to assist in developing guidelines and to provide strategies to create a safe and inclusive playground area for all students.
The school is investigating other whole school initiatives to implement.
In line with our SunSmart policy, hats must be worn throughout Term 4. We strongly encourage students to apply sunscreen prior to coming to school each day. We do have sunscreen available to reapply, but we also encourage families to supply their own.
I will conclude my report with a photo from our lovely gardens and a reminder that Spring is here!
Georgia Despotellis
Assistant Principal