Principal's Report

Rohan Cooper

Welcome back to school for Term 4. I hope everyone had an opportunity to enjoy the school holiday period with family and friends. I have certainly been pleased to see our students return happy, healthy and ready to learn. I look forward to another great term at our wonderful school.


2024 Class Placement

In the following section of this newsletter, I have outlined the 2024 class placement process at our school. Please ensure you read this carefully. In advance, your understanding of the process and your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


2024 Enrolments and Students Not Returning

It is critical that we have accurate student numbers for 2024, so that we can best forecast our workforce plan:

  1. If you have a child who is starting Prep and is not enrolled as yet, please contact our school office immediately either in person, via email (link here), or by phone (9578 3718). 
  2. If you know of a family who is moving into the area and/or would like to join our school from a neighbouring school, please encourage them to contact our office as soon as possible. 
  3. If your child/children are not returning to our school in 2024, please contact our office via email (link here). 


Holiday Works

Our school was a hub of activity over the school holiday period. Whenever I was onsite, Team Kids were providing either a brilliant in-school program or taking our students to an amazing adventure outside of the school. 


The ongoing maintenance of our school is critical, and over the past couple of weeks we had works including roof rectifications to the traditional building and the SLC, doors replaced on the SLC, blinds installed in the SLC, partitions raised in the Prep A and Prep B classroom, both heating and cooling and playground audits and rectifications completed, as well as general maintenance from our local plumber, electrician and school-employed maintenance person. In addition, our DE-employed cleaners provided a thorough ‘periodical program’ clean. 


I am disappointed to report that we did experience vandalism (graffiti) to our grounds over the holiday. It appears, from what was written, that former students from our school did this. It reflects the importance for all of us to supervise our children appropriately and to teach them strong, community-minded values. If you do notice anyone behaving inappropriately on our site after hours, please do not hesitate to contact local authorities as required. 


CSPS Dad’s Group

At the Father’s Day Breakfast last term, I raised the idea of starting a Caulfield South Primary School ‘Dad’s Group’. Thank you to the many members of our community who reached out positively in response to this. Our first get-together has been arranged for:


Date: Wednesday 25th October

Time: 7:00pm

Venue: The Camden Town Hotel (414 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield South)


I look forward to seeing as many of our school dad’s as possible there on the night. 


Thanks for your ongoing support and keep doing your best.


Rohan Cooper
