Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,


As another term draws to a close, I would like to acknowledge the achievement and progress of our students at Holy Trinity and St Marys. I am very fortunate to witness on a daily basis the ongoing learning of our students; academic, social and spiritual.  As educators, we use observation, conversation and assessment data to formally measure student progress. However, we see student progress on a daily basis in the eyes of our students. The way they engage and collaborate with one another, in learning spaces and in the playground. In the way they articulate their learning, the how and why, and the goals they set as `next steps’ for learning. At HT and SMC we value our student voice as an essential part of learning.


We are often reminded that we are `lifelong learners’ and that every interaction is a learning opportunity. As Principal, I have a daily ritual of reflecting on `what I have learnt today’. It is a practice I began a few years ago as a way of identifying the elements of my work that constitute authentic learning. In the busyness of my work I want to identify areas for future growth to become a better leader. My daily learning is often related to an interaction with a student, parent or staff member. 


As our students embark on a well deserved holiday break, I hope they find time to relax, unwind and experience new learning opportunities. When they return to school in two weeks' time, it may be more appropriate to ask `what did you learn’ rather than `what did you do’ during your holiday break. As parents, I encourage you to find time to interact with your child to experience and be part of their everyday learning.


Year 1/2 Camp 

Our Year 1/2 students enjoyed a great `camp experience’ last Thursday. The day included various camp activities, a walk to the lake, pizza and a night walk around the school grounds. With a 7pm finish time, many of our students looked as though they had just completed a 3 day camp! Thanks to our amazing 1/2 teaching staff for organising this event.

Camp dates for 2024

Year 4 - Wednesday 27th / Thursday 28th March - Camp ADANAC, Yarra Junction 

(last 2 days of Term 1)


Year 5/6 - Wednesday 1st - Friday 3rd May - Alexandra Adventure Resort, Alexandra

(Week 3 of Term 2)

Footy Day 

We will celebrate `Footy Day’ on Thursday 14th September, with students encouraged to wear colours from any sporting code. A huge thanks to the Parents’ Association for coordinating the `footy lunch’. Please note that orders have now closed off so that the bakery has adequate time to prepare our order.


School Fees Reminder 2023

Families are reminded that school fees for 2023 are due by Friday 15 September 2023, the end of Term 3.

If prior arrangements have been made or a direct debit completed please disregard this reminder.  Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me Lorelle Clark in the office.

End of School Term - 1 pm finish

The school day will finish at 1pm on the last day of each school term to provide Time in Lieu for staff. We acknowledge the early finish time does impact some families so we  will therefore offer supervision of students until 3.30pm if required. Please indicate below if your child needs to remain at school following the 1pm finish time.


If you have more than one child please provide the name of each child below. For planning purposes please complete the form before Thursday 14th September at 12pm.

Please only complete this form if your child will not be collected from school at 1pm on Friday 15th September. 


Supervision required on Friday 15th September


Showcase of learning - Tuesday 10th October (3.30pm - 5pm)

We are planning an open classroom visit for students to showcase their learning. Please save the date - all welcome.

School Blog

Our students are responsible for a lot of the School Blog content, so please take some time to appreciate their posts. It is also a great way to find out about school events such as Camp, Production, Sports Events, the Arts …. And much more!



Warm Regards,


Adrian Scutt


Time to eXcel