Interschool Sports News

Greater Dandenong Divisional Athletics
We took 27 students to the next round of the Athletics - this time going to Casey Fields. Again all the stuents worked really hard in the lead up to the event and trained really hard in the weeks before. 21 of the students were able to come 1st or 2nd in their event which meant they now compete in the Regional Athletics next week at Casey Fields. Well done to all the students who took part and Good luck to those competing next week.
More Pictures from the District Athletics
Well done to all the students who took part in the Noble Park District Athletics last week. We had lots of great individual results as well as students having a go and giving it their best. And as a team, Resurrection won the whole competition for another year. Congratulations to all the competitors - as always it is such a pleasure to teach, coach, train and then watch our students in all the sports we do at school. But when competing in individual events like Athletics you can really see the effort the students have put into their training and then the resilience shown on the day in their performance. They always show impeccable behaviour on and off the track and set good examples to others.
27 students made it through to the next round - the Divisional Athletics next week at Casey Fields. Good luck to all who are competing.