A note from Mr Jackson

Day 1 of Orientation for 2024 Preps

It was wonderful on Wednesday to be joined by so many of our 2024 prep cohort and their parents and families. Welcoming our newest members of Rosanna Primary School is always a privilege. We can celebrate the great richness of our learning community while at the same time continue to strive towards improvement. We look forward to the days ahead as we prepare our new families for engagement with, what will be for many, their first experience of primary education. Thanks to the prep teachers and the 5-6 students who collaborated and helped pull together the day. 


2024 Student Class Placement

Each year at this time we invite parents to share their thoughts and information which may affect their child’s class placement for the following year. 


The process of placing students into new classes is both complex and layered. A whole range of interconnected factors go into decision making. These factors include; academic performance, social and emotional development, behaviour, independence, relational groups, student history, as well as student and parental suggestions. The focus on shaping classes for the coming year is always on building connected communities that are balanced throughout the whole school and support the needs of all students. 


1. Students’ Learning Friends

Students are invited to create a group of five Learning Friends for the coming year. We will do everything we can to ensure that each student has at least one learning friend in their 2024 class. This list of friendships is sent home with students so that parents can have input and share in the discussion with students. These 2024 Learning Friends will be sent home in Week 4 by Friday 27 Oct. Parents are asked to discuss these choices with their child, make changes if required, sign it and return it to the classroom teacher by Wednesday 1 November


2. Parents/Carers Reflections

If there are specific requests for student placement in 2024 that are not covered in students’ identification of learning friendships, you can make a request in writing to the principal. Recognising the complexity of the process, I ask that your requests be limited to no more than three suggestions.  Any parent requests should be sent to the school email address rosanna.ps@education.vic.gov.au. The request should include ‘2024 Class Placement’ in the subject line and be received by Friday, 3 November. Any correspondence received after this date cannot be considered.


In shaping classes, teachers make every effort to consider all factors presented, but we cannot guarantee that all requests will be accommodated. All will be considered. It is important to note that requests for specific teachers cannot be accepted.


Students’ Voice Loud and Strong

It was great to wave farewell to a group of eight students as they travelled into the city on Wednesday morning. They presented on their experiences and opinions of student voice to a national symposium on student voice. Their articulate and reflective participation was both impressive and impactful. It is a reminder that we should never underestimate the great capability of our students, and even ourselves. Well done to all involved.


A Referendum Sausage?


If you have yet to vote in the referendum, or are simply a connoisseur of fine sausages on Saturday mornings, please consider joining us on Saturday for our sausage sizzle. FORPS have once again organised this special fundraiser to support the school.  Many thanks to all involved.  Feel free to participate by joining the roster and turning a sausage, or bringing the family and relatives to enjoy a bite to eat.


‘I Am Mindful’ Sessions Begin

We are thrilled to invite the 'I Am Mindful' team to run workshops for our students in years three and four this term. This proved a wonderful experience for students and teachers in the senior school during 2022. Students will receive a special mindful kit to support self regulation and mindfulness. By participating in several sessions over the coming weeks they will become more confident in identifying and using a range of techniques to calm and to focus. I encourage all parents to ensure the appropriate consent form is completed either in Qkr! or in hardcopy. We don't want anybody to miss out on this wonderful experience.


Tawny Frogmouth News

There was delight, excitement and many strained eyes that peered up at  our Tawny Frogmouth on Thursday. Although we cannot be sure, we are a little bit definite, that a fluffy white head peeped over the top of the nest on Wednesday. Keep an eye out over the coming days!