Message from the Principal
Achieving Excellence Together
Message from the Principal
Achieving Excellence Together
Dear families,
Welcome to the first edition of our Term 4 Newsletter. We are already two weeks in and the enthusiasm of students is bubbling with planned excursions, the Year 6 Big Day Out, New Prep Students Transition, the Whole School Swimming Program, SWPBS whole school reward, and the end-of-year concert all coming up soon. Keep an eye out on your Compass app to consent and pay for student excursions and events before the due date. Our friendly Office Team is of course available to you if you require more support.
Sun Smart Policy
In line with our Sun Smart Policy, all students are required to wear a wide-brimmed school hat to protect them from harmful UV rays this term; please ensure your child has their hat at school each day. Students who are not wearing their hats will not be able to play and will be asked to sit in the shaded area.
Grade Placements
Teachers will begin the process of placing children in grades for 2024 later this term. This is a very long and thorough process with much consideration given to ensuring that each individual child’s needs are met. Students will have an opportunity to complete a friendship list and will be placed in a grade with at least one friend. The teacher will refer to this list, as well as their current knowledge of the child, before allocating your child to a class for next year. Our aim is to create an environment in each classroom that promotes optimal learning. Teachers spend considerable time and effort creating grades that cater to the educational, social, and emotional needs of all children. Parents wishing to discuss any requests in regards to grade placement for your child based on social, emotional, or academic needs, are requested to make an appointment to see me by Friday 25th October.
Beginning School Program – Preps 2024
The Beginning School Program for our 2024 preps will commence on Thursday 16th November at 2:15 pm. The aim of the program is to introduce the students to school life so they are familiar with their environment in 2024 and are ready to learn from the onset. A letter outlining the program will be provided to all enrolled families soon. Should you know of any family or friends with children yet to be enrolled in the prep program, please encourage them to contact us as soon to enquire about availability
Families leaving Albanvale PS 2024
Please let the office staff, located in The Nexus Hub, know if your child is leaving the school at the end of this year so that we may begin the transition process for your child with their new school.
Our Annual Whole-School Christmas Concert is scheduled for Friday 15/12/2023. All families are invited to what is always a sensation celebration at the end of the year. We will also be holding our Major Raffle where the school will ask families to sell raffle tickets in exchange for going in the draw to win some fantastic prizes from supplies such as Officeworks, Bunnings Wearhouse, Adventure Park, Rabbit Hole, Sportsco and much more. We thank our partners for helping us deliver what is a fantastic opportunity to raise funds for purchasing new take-home reading books available in every classroom. Raffle tickets will be sent home with students next week with further details.
Thank you for continuing to work together on fostering the home-school partnership. With our continued work together, each of our students will continue achieving excellence, every day.
Michael Uzunovski