School Captain News 

Welcome to term 4!


Things happening in week 3

  • Year 2 Swimming Program Monday to Friday
  • Year 3 Parent Engagement  - Fraction Museum 3 pm
  • Prep A and D Hume Library Visit on Friday    

Yard slips

This week’s winners are: Nayan from 4A and Nila from Prep D.


House points 

Romero: 1

Kolbe: 7

Teresa: 13

Samaritan: 5


Behaviour Bucks

This week’s winners are:  3C with 43 points and 5B with 45 points - keep up the great work in the classroom.


This week’s quote is: “Creativity takes courage.” -Henri Matisse  

This quote is dedicated to the OLPS Art Show!



We would just like to congratulate Mrs Melissa Laing for bringing her baby Mia into the world. We are sad that we won't see her again for our year 6s. We send our congratulations to her and her new little family.  


2 weeks down 9 to go! Let's have a great term and we hope you all have a fabulous weekend and do something creative!