From the Principal

Principal: Mathew Montebello

Dear Families,

Welcome back to term 4, which promises to be another fun filled term of events, activities, and learning. We hope everyone enjoyed the spring break holidays. While our weather plays games with us, Term 4 sees the return of sun smart hats, which will need to be worn by all students when outside, as part of the school’s sun smart policy. We would also recommend students applying sunscreen at home on warm sunny days.


We also ask for the continued support of the wearing of appropriate school uniform. School culture and identity is a very important part of Willy Primary. Having students actively wearing the correct uniform goes a long way to support a positive school environment. We thank all parents/guardians for their support.


Outstanding Willy Kid achievement

During the school holidays four Willy Kids were selected to represent Victoria in the U15 State Lacrosse team. To be selected for Victoria is an achievement, but what makes this one even more extraordinary is the age of our 4 students. To be selected in an U15 team at the ages of 12 is extraordinary and we wish Fin, Arden, Zoe L and Zoe O from grade 6 all the best in the national tournament. We really do have such amazing Willy Kids!


Seaside Fair

On Sunday November 26th the school will hold its Seaside Fair. This year’s fair, which is the first since 2019, will look to bring the school and greater community together. Not only is it a major fundraiser for the school but it is highly valued in connecting the community through the parents and staff coming together and volunteering their time for the benefit of the school community. If you can support this event in any way, please contact Lance Vinnell.

A big thank you to Lance and his team for the enormous amount of work that has already been undertaken. Events like this could not take place without the commitment and passion of our Willy families.



Term 4 sees two cohort of students heavily involved in school transition. At one end, our 2024 preps will commence their preparation to start primary school, while our grade 6 students prepare for graduation and transition to high school. Change can be daunting but is a very exciting time as we support our Willy kids to grow and develop into the people they will become.


Reminder - 150 Years of Williamstown Primary, Coffee Table Book

Please ensure you get your orders in for the school’s 150 Years of Williamstown Primary School coffee table book. This hard cover commemorative book will only have one print run, making it a once in a lifetime purchase opportunity.

Books can be ordered via Compasstix in the link below and will be available approx. 2-3 weeks after orders close.  Orders close Friday 20th October

Purchase link below:


I look forward to seeing families at our first assembly for the term next Friday.




Warm regards,


Mathew Montebello
