Specialist Programs

Visual Arts

In weeks 7 and 8 Visual Arts, the Grade 2s and 4s have been completing mobile sculptures with a moving element. This was inspired by American artist Alexander Calder who used wire, fabric and found materials to create a type of kinetic art. His sculptures relied on careful weighting to achieve balance and suspension in the air. 


Our Preps and Grade 1 were busy making paper with scrap paper where they tore up paper, wet it to create a pulp, then had a great time flattening it out on cloth. 


Over the past few weeks, we've all been getting into the finals spirit by creating sports banners and posters of the students' favourite teams. It was fantastic to listen to their conversations about which sport they preferred and the teams they followed. 


This Friday after assembly our Preps - 4s will be running through the banners while our Grade 5s and 6s line up to cheer them on. Hopefully, we see the community there to cheer on the kids.


Thanks, Wayne