Assistant Principal Update

Shane Wilkie

Welcome to the end of Term 3. It has been an extremely busy final week and it is not quite over yet. Year 4 have had a great time on camp, returning this afternoon. The excitement and anticipation for the Year 2-6 Concert is building as we put the finishing touches to the performances. Friday’s All Sports Day is happening with students encouraged to wear their sporting gear and Wayne, our term 3 Art teacher has been working on some sports banners with classes that some will run through after assembly. The Year 2-6 students will also be performing their concert dances for the Prep/1 students.

Playground Markings 

Over the course of this term the School Council environment subcommittee have been investigating a variety of ways to add some colour and student activity to the school yard now all construction is completed. This week I met with the SRC to get their feedback and ideas regarding some possible options. Students completed a ‘Hot Dot’ survey activity and then provided some general information about their preferences and the locations for the various marking designs. Our draft plan is for:

  • A 6 square downball court under the Three level learning centre
  • A chess board and snakes and ladders outside the ground floor area of the learning centre
  • Updated volleyball court line marking
  • A 4 or 6 square full coloured downball court in quadrangle
  • A 4 four square and 2 square downball court under the trees
  • Hopscotch at the front of the school 
  • An alphabet snake and crocodile number line in the Prep/1 playground
  • Up to 3 targets positioned around the school on walls/ground.



Brick to the Future

Tomorrow night is the big night, and we are so excited to be performing for you again. Families should have received a Compass Post yesterday with details regarding the drop off and pick up arrangements for students. Students are to be dropped off at the backstage entrance at 6:30pm. At the conclusion of the event teachers will escort each class to a predetermined area at the PAC.


At the time of writing there were only about 20 tickets remaining so it looks like it will be a sell-out come showtime. 


We request that families do not record any of the event due to privacy matters. The school will record the performance to be shown privately to the students at school following the performance.


I trust everyone has a good term break and gets some time to reconnect as a family. 


All the best.

Shane Wilkie

Assistant Principal