Principal Update

Melissa Mackenzie

We have reached the last week of term 3! There have been 10 weeks of learning and extra opportunities to learn and grow at APS. The students have experienced ski camp, multiple excursions and incursions, 3-Way Conferences, Athletics, the School Review, RU OK day, All sports day and the 2-6 concert. In amongst these events we have continued with the focus on learning, particularly in reading, writing and mathematics. We have continued with the SMART spelling focus, the TLI program and the intervention groups we were able to offer. It has passed quickly and we are all ready for a break. I hope you enjoy the better weather and have a chance to recharge the batteries ready for term 4.


Next term is hat term. All students MUST wear a broad-brimmed hat for their own protection. We will enforce the ‘no hat no play’ policy from the start of the term. Please support us by providing a NAMED broad brimmed hat. 


Next term we have the P/1 dinner, Year 2 sleepover, Year 3, 5 and 6 camps. The P/1 concert will also be a highlight. I’m sure it will also be jam-packed with events that contribute to APS being the vibrant place that it is.


Just a reminder that we finish at 2:30 on Friday. We welcome the students back for term 4 on Monday 2 October.


Have a lovely break

Melissa Mackenzie
