Hands on High School

Hands on High School was held on a cold and wet night but that didn't stop current Year 6 students and their families attending Narrandera High School's transition evening. We had a great turn out which was extremely pleasing. 


The evening started with everyone meeting in the hall to briefly hear about what Narrandera High School has to offer and to meet some of the staff.  Students were then divided into groups and rotated through three different activities across a range of subjects including, Cooking, PDHPE, Science and Music.


In the Cooking group students made either scones or muffin pizzas, Music included some African Drumming skills, Science saw the students making expanding snow, taking a smell test and learning how to use the microscopes, while PE had the students engaged in some competitive activities to keep them warm outside.  


Throughout each activity there was a lot of noise, many smiles and terrific conversations. 


Thank you to all the staff who were involved in the running of the night and to all the students, families and feeder school staff who attended on the night. We can't wait for our transition days that will be starting in Term 3. 

Mrs Brooke Lucas