
Hello Parents/Guardians and Community Members,
We have been very busy in the career’s faculty with many careers’ events and excursions over the past few weeks. See details of each event below. All Careers events are announced to students at year meetings, morning assemblies, posted online and in this newsletter. Please contact the careers office if you wish to seek further information about any of these opportunities for your child.
University of Canberra Excursion Wednesday 22nd May 2024:
Recently a small group of senior students travelled to Canberra University to attend their UC For Yourself Explore Day. This was a fantastic opportunity for our students to immerse themselves into interactive workshops and to explore and try out University courses and see what university life is like. Students were able to select and attend sessions that interested them and will experience firsthand activities in their chosen interest areas.
Our students attended a variety of sessions including.
• Teaching - Primary & Secondary
• Midwifery
• Nursing
• Occupational Therapy
• Pharmacy
• Psychology
• Public Health
• Medical Radiation Science
• Healing Hands - Physiotherapy
• Media (On Air - In the UC Radio Studio)
• Cooking - Nutrition & Dietetics
• Elite Sports & Exercise Science
• Law & Criminology
Our students all enjoyed the experience, had a wonderful day, and came away thinking more deeply about career pathways and possibilities of tertiary study.
We thank our students for their exemplary behaviour and engagement on this excursion.
Western Riverina Careers Expo – Located at Leeton High School & Leeton TAFE 12th June 2024
Last week our group of our Year 10 students and small group of Year 12 students elected to go to the Western Riverina Careers Expo held at Leeton High School on 12th June. This was a fantastic day and opportunity for our students to explore and speak directly with all the many careers’ exhibitors, such as industry bodies, employers, tertiary providers, and universities.
Students all came away thinking more about possible careers, tertiary courses, and pathways beyond school. We also enjoyed the hands-on sessions at Leeton TAFE such as Working at Heights, Electrotechnology, and Automotive, where we had our senior students challenge the Year 10 students on a driving simulator.
Thank you to Ashley and Ronnie for coming along for the day, and to all our students who were as always, exceptionally well mannered and engaged with various employers and tertiary providers on the day. It is always a pleasure to take our students on these careers’ excursions.
Construction White Card Safety Course held on 14th June.
Last Friday we held another White Card Construction Safety Course in the school library. Students had a very full day of instruction on jobsite safety and engaged fully with the strict requirements of the SafeWork NSW training. All eighteen students who attended on the day were successful in passing this course and demonstrated exceptional manners and teamwork to assist each other in their groups to get through the course content. Well, done everyone!
The next White Card course will not be till late term 4 or early 2025, as we have most of our Year 9-12 students having completed the course in the past two years.
Year 12 Careers Transition Interviews:
Interviews with all our Year 12 students have commenced. The purpose of these interview is to develop a Career Plan so that students can feel confident in their post school planning and direction and to seek guidance on the various pathway options open to students as they transition through the final months of Year 12 to post-school life.
If parents or carers wish to attend these interviews, please call the careers office and we can schedule a time that suits you.
Upcoming events:
UAC, Charles Sturt University Visit 26th June – Year 12 Students.
Charles Sturt University (CSU) staff will be visiting to present to our Year 12 students on 26th June in the school library during the year meeting (period 4). This presentation will provide our Year 12 students the step-by-step guide on how to apply to Charles Sturt University for Early Entry through their Advantage program and give them essential information on how to respond to the specific questions required on the Early Entry Advantage application forms. Students will also be able to ask specific questions about all things CSU and the many pathway options available to them.
The University Admission Centre (UAC) will be presenting to our Year 12 students on 26th June. This presentation will provide Year 12 the instructions on how to apply to university courses and will outline all the various assistance programs available to students, such as Schools Recommendation Scheme, Educational Access Scheme, Equity Scholarships, Early Entry.
I encourage all year 12 students who wish to go to university to attend this session in the school library during period 5 on Wednesday 3rd July.
University of Wollongong Visit on 3rd July – Year 12 Students
The staff from the University of Wollongong (UOW) will be visiting to present to our Year 12 students on 3rd July in the school library during the year meeting (period 4). This presentation will provide our Year 12 students the step-by-step guide on how to apply to Charles Sturt University for Early Entry through their Advantage program and give them essential information on how to respond to the specific questions required on the Early Entry Advantage application forms. Students will also be able to ask specific questions about all things CSU and the many pathway options available to them.
Mrs Judy Ing
Careers Adviser