From the Principal

To the Blue Mountains Grammar School Community,


The Evolving Role of Education at Blue Mountains Grammar School

In today's rapidly changing world, education needs to evolve at an unprecedented pace. Traditional criteria, such as formal qualifications, are supplemented by a focus on skills crucial in the modern workplace. Many leading employers are shifting towards skills-based hiring, emphasising a candidate's abilities over their academic credentials. As a result, schools like Blue Mountains Grammar are adapting.


As educators, we do not suggest that one system is better than the other. However, we are increasingly aware of the undeniable shift taking place in the world beyond the school environment. 


Skills-based hiring allows employers to discover the best talent for their open positions by focusing on individuals' skills rather than their connections, education, or experience. It eliminates the unreliability and bias often associated with resume-based hiring, where candidates may undersell or oversell themselves and face penalties based on factors such as their level of education, age, gender, or ethnicity.


By evaluating a candidate's value based on their skills rather than their self-proclaimed work history, companies can cultivate an inclusive and diverse workforce, leading to significantly improved business outcomes. The adoption rate of skills-based hiring increased significantly, from 56% in 2022 to over 73% in 2023. Recent indications show that over 81% of companies are now using it. The highest adoption rates are observed in Australia and Latin America, while the lowest rates are seen in France. Interestingly, mid-sized companies are the most frequent users of this hiring approach.


According to the 2022 State of Skills-Based Hiring Report, companies that have adopted skills-based hiring have done so, with 94% agreeing that skills-based hiring is more predictive of on-the-job success than resumes. They are also observing remarkable progress in four key metrics:


- 92.5% have a reduction in hiring the wrong candidate(s)

- 91.4% have decreased the total time it takes to recruit and hire new team members

- 89.8% have lowered total cost in recruiting and hiring new staff

- 91.2% have seen an increase in employee retention


Many companies, including Google, Steelcraft, Westpac, Apple, and IBM, are transitioning to skills-based hiring practices. This shift is driven by the recognition that traditional degree requirements may exclude qualified candidates who have gained relevant skills through alternate pathways, such as online courses, boot camps, or prior work experience. By focusing on specific skills and competencies, these companies can tap into a more diverse talent pool, reduce hiring biases, and ensure that candidates are evaluated based on their job performance. Additionally, skills-based hiring can lead to more efficient recruitment processes, as it allows companies to quickly identify individuals with the right expertise, ultimately improving employee performance and retention.


The need for schools to be intentionally different now compared to the past has never been more obvious. At our School, we will always value academic rigour and excellence as fundamental to our educational approach. Nurturing skills in communication, collaboration, and creativity among our students is becoming equally important. These competencies are crucial for success in today's job market and beyond.


Skills-based hiring is gaining traction worldwide as organisations recognise the limitations of relying solely on formal education. By focusing on a candidate's skills, employers can tap into a broader and more diverse talent pool, leading to significant benefits such as reduced hiring costs, shorter recruitment times, and improved employee retention. This approach aligns well with the evolving needs of the job market, where the half-life of skills is now less than five years. Consequently, schools must prioritise the development of soft skills to ensure that students are not only academically proficient but also adaptable and ready to thrive in various professional environments.


At Blue Mountains Grammar, we are committed to maintaining our high academic excellence standards while embracing the need for a more holistic approach to education. By integrating opportunities for students to develop their communication, collaboration, and creative problem-solving skills, we aim to equip them with the tools they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world.


The benefits of this dual focus are manifold. Not only does it prepare students for the realities of the modern workforce, but it also fosters a more inclusive and supportive learning environment. By valuing diverse talents and encouraging students to explore their unique strengths, we can help them build the confidence and resilience needed to navigate future challenges.


As we look to the future, Blue Mountains Grammar will continue to innovate and adapt our educational practices to meet our students' needs and the demands of the global workforce. We invite our community to join us in this journey as we strive to create an educational experience that is as dynamic and forward-thinking as the world our students will enter.


In 2001, one of Australia's preeminent educators, Professor Hedley Beare, authored a book titled "Creating the Future School." In this remarkable work, he introduces Angelica, a fictional 5-year-old girl. He provides an insightful quote where Angelica speaks with adults and says, "In future days, I will admire you for being able to look forward with me and help me define what I need to learn." This is a profound statement and a compelling reminder of the significance of guidance and forward thinking that adults need to demonstrate to our children. As adults, we are responsible for showing courage and supporting our young people. While traditional education remains essential, schools must reconsider how they can best fulfil the unique demands of today's world. Again, I invite you to work with us.


Together, I am keen to embrace today's opportunities and ensure that our students are well-prepared for the academic challenges ahead and equipped with the essential skills that will enable them to thrive in tomorrow's ever-changing landscape.


Warm regards,


Steven Coote 
