Prep - 2
Our lower years students continued their projects demonstrating tyheir investigation into different animals habitats, with a focus on Native Australian animals. Student learnt that all animals have a habitat and that a habitat includes different forms of food, water and shelter depending on the animal.
To show this students spent the last few weeks creating a class pop-up text showing different animals in a habitat which had everything that they would need.
Our 3 and 4 students continued their Rocket Engineering challenge by refining their bottle rockets by adding fins and a nose cone. They learnt how both of these affect the flight and made connections to their understanding of force and how the rocket moves through the sky.
This month our year 5 and 6 students continued their challenge to utilize their understanding of the design process to construct an earthquake proof building. They worked in groups and created a great variety of different designs and were successful in holding up considerable weights. Students also conducted several small assessments to show their understandings of the different sceientific concepts covered in Term 1 and 2.