Leadership's Report
Dear Rockhampton North Special School Community,
The school has been buzzing with excitement and activities, as we near the end of the term. Staff have been working hard on finalising activities and assessments to close out Semester One and are working hard on planning for next Semester. Reports are almost finalised and will be sent to parents and guardians shortly.
The culminating events were held on a few days last week (in week 9). We loved seeing our families and our community support the student's growth and learning over the last 6 months. Our specialists highlighted the student's growth on Tuesday and had E Block glowing with student’s work. It was a beautiful and immersive experience. Most of our classes had their culminating event on Wednesday and we loved seeing their classroom spaces decorated to showcase what they’ve been learning about. Thank you to all our staff who diligently supported the students in their learning this semester and we are very excited to see the continuous growth and improvement the students will make next semester.
Monday (17 June 2024) was School Cleaners Day. We are so proud of our cleaners, Jenny, Kandis, Maria and Teresa and we appreciate all that you do for our school. You arrive before the sun is up and we thank you for your dedication to the health and hygiene of our school.
Each semester we hold Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) events and celebrations. Celebrating the collective positive choices the students have made, fosters the culture for continuous improvement and encouraging words and actions. Thank you to our staff for arranging PBL celebrations for the students.
Yesterday, Tuesday 18 June, was Sports Day. Congratulations to the yellow team for winning the day! A very big thank you to Lisa and Bev for organising and arranging the day. Thank you to the parents who could attend and support your child. We will be posting photos to social media this week from the day. Congratulations to the following Runner-Up Age Champions for 2024: Ayaan, Jack, Christian, Naomi, Phoenix, Katie, Dylan and Jasmyn. Congratulations to the Age Champions for 2024: Jordon, Seren, Felix, Khloe, Jaxon, Lily-May, Aaron and Azaria.
A few quick reminders that school recommences on Monday 8 July 2024. Additionally, a Save the Date for school photos is Tuesday 30 July 2024 (week 4). More information for photo day will be sent closer to the date.
Stay warm over the winter school holidays and enjoy the season as a family or community unit.
Warm regards,
Sam, Troy, Kate and Alana
Leadership Team