Student Wellbeing

NADIOC Week Poetry 

Our Year 6 students have been exploring the art of poetry writing. As a group, they have crafted expressive poems that resonate deeply with the theme "My Voice - My Culture." We are very proud of their efforts and the meaningful connections they have made to indigenous culture. Here are a few samples of their work. Enjoy these heartfelt expressions of "My Voice - My Culture."


My voice, My culture

Our cultures are different but we’re the same, 

Many years ago you set our culture aflame,

It is not YOU we blame, 

But your ancestors who came,

Now you ask for our forgiveness,

We create a treaty, we say YES,

Years and years too late,

So long ago, 236 years to date,


Peace, yes that would be nice, 

But our families paid the price, 

We are all different, But we’re all the same,

If you're from a different culture, don’t feel any shame.


It’s YOUR voice, YOUR culture so stand high and proud,

Be kind, Be Loud

     By Jack O


My Voice - My Culture

Celebrating the achievements and contributions of our indigenous community.

But also acknowledging the suffering their ancestors experienced in the past.


Respecting the culture and connecting with its people.


But also reflecting on the horror that they suffered as families were separated and they were driven off their land.


Now and in the future, hopeful we have learned from our mistreatment of the oldest living culture in the world.


                                                                           By Lucas K


My voice - My culture 

I owN my teArs,

but not my 


Upcoming GeneratIons

snatcheD to


self-serving wants.

SOuls shaped,

traditions buried,

heartbeats paused.

                                                                              by LuCy B


My voice my culture 

NAIDOC week is a time to remember,

For all its spiritual ember.


The spirits we watch fly through a day,

Fly within their own way.

The light that glows in the trees 

Will always and forever belong with me.

We dance we sing we paint our truths,

Connecting to our lands and our roots.

Im beyond grateful of the person I’ve become,

I shall stay free and forever young.


From dreamtime to modern times,

Our voices rhyme.

My culture my voice,

Will always be my choice.

 By Dani J


These poems not only showcase the creativity and talent of our Year 6 students but also highlight their deep respect and understanding of indigenous culture. We hope their words inspire others to appreciate the rich cultural heritage that shapes our diverse community.           

Janine and Brad.