General News 

Mrs Kate Thompson and Mrs Tracey Klitsch


   School TV , Facebook  links below 


School Fees were due Monday, 10 June, 2024.  Stay on top of your fees by setting up regular payments through BPay.

School Reports

Reports will be generated on Thursday 4th July and available through the Compass Portal. Please choose 'View academic reports' in your child's profile.  

We will also be sending a Term Attendance Report for each student.  This is a very informative letter detailing Attendance Report Categories, Attendance Percentage, Total Days absent as well as Total Partial absent. 


Why is regular attendance at school important?

Regular school attendance will mean that your child has a better chance in life. Your child will achieve better results when they go to school all day, every school day. 

  • they learn better
  • they make friends 
  • they are happier 
  • they have a brighter future.

Week 10


Parent/Teacher Interviews continue


Naidoc Week Liturgy at 11.30am followed by 3 activities 

11.30-12.00 liturgy

12.00-1.00pm x 3 rotating activities 

1.00pm cutting of cake

1.20pm Lunch 


Y5/6 NSW CPR with Cameron McFarlane 1.50 - 2.50pm

Semester 1 Reports will be made available


Last Day of Term 2 - Sausage sandwich lunch available through the canteen. Please check the Canteen News in this newsletter. 

Term 3


Staff Professional Learning Day


Students return 23rd July



NAIDOC week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It is celebrated by all Australians and is a great opportunity to recognise and learn more about the history and culture of indigenous communities.

NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced back to the Aboriginal rights movement, when on Australia Day 1938, protestors marched through the streets of Sydney to highlight the status and treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Today, it is a week-long celebration held in July that consists of range of traditional and contemporary activities.

NAIDOC Week is an important event that helps build positive relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. It enables a deeper understanding of our differences and similarities. NAIDOC week is an opportunity for all Australians to eliminate bias and discrimination by reflecting and reconciling the wrongs of the past to facilitate hope and build a fairer future. Families are encouraged to join in and support young people in learning the significance of NAIDOC Week.

This Special Report offers suggestions on how families can celebrate NAIDOC Week together. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.


Here is the link to your Special Report