Religious Education

Term 2, Week 10

Thank you to the students and staff for showing their favourite team colours last Friday, 28th June. We raised $87. This will go towards the Vinnies Winter Appeal.


Week 10 - NAIDOC Celebrations

Please join us in celebrating our St Joey's NAIDOC Day 2024


Many thanks to Miss Allan for organising this special event for our school.


Come! Share the Spirit.


School Holidays NAIDOC Community Event - 

Tuesday, 9th July


Upcoming Events...

Grandparents Day - 26th July from 11.30am

On Friday, 26th July we will celebrate Grandparents Day which is the Feast Day of St Joachim and St Anne - the parents of Mary and grandparents of Jesus. Our celebrations will commence with a Liturgy at 11.30am in the Library. Our special visitors will be invited to join their grandchildren in the classrooms for some activities. We look forward to spending time with our amazing grandparents.


St Brigid's Mass Timetable




Take care and kind regards,


Mrs Sarah-Jane Canham

Religious Education Coordinator