F-6 Music & Choir

Term 3, Week 2


And in what seems like a blink of an eye, here we are at the start of Term 3!  


National Aboriginal and Islander Observance Committee


NAIDOC Week occurred during our Term 2 school holidays. This year’s theme is ‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud’.


We all have a role to play in preserving and honouring the stories, traditions and accomplishments of First Nations Peoples. The stories and traditions of the continent’s remarkable First Nations have been kept alive through music and dance.


What does it mean to ‘keep the fire burning’? 


The question ‘where have YOUR family originated from?’ developed into some rich discussions this week. Students shared their cultural backgrounds - most students were aware of their parents and grandparents birth origins, which was wonderful! We discovered the importance of learning about YOUR own cultural heritage and what things we do to keep that culture alive. Traditions, celebrations, dances, speaking in different languages were all discussed.



Assembly Performances 

Classes are preparing musical items which we aim to perform at assembly this term.

You will be notified via Compass and Showbie (Grades 1-6) with performance details. Keep an eye on the Compass Calendar, too!


This term students will be:

  • developing their knowledge of the music elements through singing, movement, use of body percussion and playing instruments
  • working on items to be performed at an assembly (date to be advised with advance notice!)

Grades 1 and 2

This term students will be:

  • learning songs which focus on caring for our Earth and respecting and celebrating people of various cultures 
  • making composition and instrumentation choices when developing and rehearsing their own music 

Grade 3 

This term students will be learning:

  • Taba Naba - from the Torres Strait Islands - learning the history of the song and the dance. Students will work in groups and make choices about the instrumentation, tempo, form, dynamics, texture and how they would like to present the song to an audience

Grade 4


This term students will be learning:

  • The Wellerman (sea shanty) learning the history of the song, sing and play on a variety of instruments
  • The Galopede (folk dance) – which we hope to perform at an assembly this term!

Grade 5

This term students will be learning:

  • Sesere Eeye - from the Torres Strait Islands - learning the history of the song, sing and play on a variety of instruments
  • The Brown Jug Polka (Heel & Toe) -  which we hope to perform at an assembly this term!

Grade 6

This term students will be learning a song on the ukulele using 2 to 3 chords. They will also be learning to sing 2 songs which will accompany the ukulele playing of the Grade 6 classes. We hope to perform these at assembly later this term.


If students would like some extra practise at home, all songs, song lyrics, backing tracks and ukulele tutorials are in the Grade 6 Music Showbie folder.



A reminder that Choir rehearsals are on Mondays from 12.50-1.30pm. 


Our choristers have been enjoying choreographing ‘A World of Our Own’ from the WONKA movie using our rainbow dancing scarves. 

They are also learning a new song which is in the Choir Showbie folder for students to practise whenever they can! 

They are looking forward to performing for you soon!



2024 National Songwriting Competition

For all budding BPS songwriters (and there are a few at BPS!), 

here's something to work towards this term.....


The National Songwriting Competition is open to students in Foundation to Year 12.  


At the end of last term, I shared this fabulous opportunity with students during our music lessons. They were totally engaged in listening to the original works of previous winners in various age groups, finding it 'inspirational'. It was wonderful to hear that some of our students met during the holidays to work on a group song - I love their enthusiasm! 


The PDF flyer below and extra information is in the Grades 1-6 Music Showbie folders.


‘What makes a good song?’ 

Things to think about if you are composing a song are:

  • form (how the song is built – verse, chorus – contrasting sections!),
  • rhythm, 
  • memorable / catchy melody,
  • meaningful lyrics on topics / events / emotions you can relate to
  • dynamics - changing volume for contrast

Entries are now open. Closing date is 16 September, 2024. 


Entry is free and you can enter as many times as you wish. Please note that entries are to be made by the entrant’s family, not through BPS. However, if your child is interested in submitting a song, I'd love for them to let me know in their Showbie folder.


See the PDF attachment for the website link to all terms and conditions. 


Footloose Fridays! 


WHAT: Join Mrs Pickford & Mrs Shacklock in celebrating the end of each week with 10 FUN minutes of dancing (or if you don’t like dancing, call it ‘movement’!)


WHO:  EVERYONE! The BPS Community! Students / younger siblings / parents / carers


WHEN:  8.45am every Friday


WHERE:  Outside the gym 


We look forward to sharing a dance with you at some stage this term!

Music Appreciation

How do we make informed choices about the music we like to listen to, 

perform or create if we are not exposed to a diverse range of music?


I love music and learning everything I possibly can about it - music history, theory - you name it. However, although I am passionate about music, there are a few musical genres that will most likely (I won't say "never") find their way into my CD collection! Having said this, I do have an appreciation and understanding of these styles. One of my passions as a music educator is to expose students to a broad range of music so that they, too, can learn an appreciation of different styles (which doesn't necessarily mean that they'll like them!) This is how BELL MUSIC came to be!


Each week a different musical genre (or theme) is played over the loudspeaker at bell times so that students become familiar with hearing a variety of genres and artists. All songs chosen are child-appropriate. 


Where possible, musical genres will coincide with important diversity and inclusion days of celebration, solidarity, commemoration and awareness. 


Musical genres showcased in Term 3 will be:

Week 1 First Nations AustraliansNAIDOC Week
Week 2 Taylor Swiftby popular demand!
Week 3 Olympics! Paris Olympics: 26 July – 11 Aug
Week 4Mixed Genres 
Week 5Elvis Week!yes, it’s a real event! 😊
Week 61970’s50 years since the release of ‘Nutbush City Limits’
Week 7Songs from Musicals 
Week 82010’s 
Week 9Waltzes 
Week 10AFL Team AnthemsAFL Grand Final

If there are any songs or genres YOU would like to recommend, I'd love to hear your suggestions! Please feel free to email me at lisa.shacklock@education.vic.gov.au


Yours in harmony,


Lisa Shacklock  

(Classroom Music, Choir Co-ordinator & Band Liaison (M-W, F)   


 "Do something worth remembering" - Elvis Presley