From the Principal
The students and staff have had a smooth, albeit chilly start to Term 3! We have a very busy term ahead with lots of exciting extra curricular activities. Our Year 3 and 4 students are heading off to Phillip Island for their camp, we have our annual School Production of Moana in August, Book Week including a dress up day for the whole school and there are numerous excursions and events planned for the students across the school. Please keep an eye on your Compass messages so you don’t miss anything.
Curriculum Day
On the first day of Term 3 the Oakleigh PS staff met to learn more about the Berry Street Education Model. This evidence-based model supports schools, with practical classroom based strategies to increase the engagement of all students, including those with additional needs. One of the things we learned was the power of using a ‘circle’ or a ‘positive primer’ at the start of each day to engage the students, tune them in to the day and facilitate relationships within the classroom. You might like to ask your child about the start of their day at school and what happens in a ’circle’. For more information about the Berry Street Education model please follow this link - Berry Street Education Model – Learning and Resources | Berry Street
Multicultural Festival Day
At the end of Term 3 we held a Multicultural Festival Day. The purpose of the day was to celebrate the diverse range of cultures represented amongst the students, staff and families at Oakleigh PS. It was a wonderful day full of colour and fun! We held a parade in the morning with students and staff showing their cultural colours and traditional dress including performing arts performances from the students at South Oakleigh College. Following the assembly all students participated in a range of workshops including yoga and mindfulness, Japanese and Greek cultural studies and an instrumental music workshop. Junior School Council asked students were to bring a gold coin donation to support the Cancer Council and I am pleased to share a total of $339 was raised. Thank you to all the visitors and the students and staff for their enthusiasm and willingness to share their culture.
Parent / Carer / Guardian Opinion Survey
Our school is conducting the annual Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey offered by the Department of Education and is seeking your feedback. The survey is now open. All families have been emailed information about the survey including a link and the school’s unique pin code. Please take 20 minutes to complete this survey by the 30th August, your feedback helps the school make changes and improvements to the way we run and the programs we offer. If you need further information about the survey or access to the school’s log in details, please contact the front desk.
Have a great week,
Kellie Stewart
Acting Principal