Year 6 Train

Research Project 

Term Two Train Research Project 

This term, our Train Project Leadership Group has worked together to try to plan out a train line for the 2032 Brisbane Olympic train route. We have figured out that the housing is set in Northshore Hamilton and are starting to design it using Minecraft Education. This allows us to be able to visualise what the route will look like. It will be underground and will be mainly used for the Olympians to get to the stadiums that they will compete in and then get back to their hotels. It will also be used for the crowds to get to the stadium.


Here are some things that we have all enjoyed about the project:


Oscar L: My favourite part of the Train Project has to be working together on the project. It has been a great experience and I can't wait for the final piece.


Angus R: My favourite thing about the Train Project is getting to use Minecraft Education to create the elements and realistic features. From this, we can go onto a professional architect's website to actually build the train station.


Will S: My favourite thing about the Train Project is playing Minecraft Education and thinking of ideas on what to build and how to design the train station.


Will W: I enjoyed playing Minecraft Education and building a train station in minecraft.


Rafi A: My favourite thing about working on the train research project was having a great time working together and building it in the Minecraft World.


Luke J: My favourite part of the Train Project is designing it on Minecraft Education. I think it is a fun way to design the train station and helps bring the group together as one.


Leo G: My favourite thing about the Train Project is making a train station with my friends, because we all can express our thoughts about the train station together. 


Maggie S: My favourite thing about the Train Project is drawing and designing the train station.


Heidi S: I have loved the graphic design part of this project as well as working together with my friends. Overall this was a really fun experience and I would definitely do it again!