Senior School

Key Dates:

Thu 18 July: Yr 8 Subject Selection launched

Wed 24 July: Yr 10 Uni/TAFE Tours

(No classes Yr 10)

Fri 2 Aug: Yr 8 Subject Selection Day 

(Normal classes)

Wed 7 Aug: Yr 9&10 Subject Selection Day 

(No classes Yr 9&10)


English Exam Prep Day

Today, our Year 12 English students attended the Knox Government Secondary Schools VCE English Exam Preparation Day.



My name is Bodhi Wilson and I am enrolled in the SBAT program at the College, which stands for School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships. This is a program that allows me to get ahead in the career that I want to pursue. At the moment I spend three days a week at school and on Wednesday and Thursday I am onsite with my employer.


I work for a company called Jointly, which is a large construction company that undertakes a variety of large jobs all over the state, specialising in commercial and education settings.  This means I am constantly working in new locations around Victoria, which keeps things interesting. I am also getting used to the very early starts and utilising public transport to travel to the different locations.


Things about I love about my job are the hands-on learning and working in a supportive team that care about my development. I have learnt how to use power tools in different ways depending on the job, how to assemble and demolish, as well as steel framing. I am also really enjoying the independence of working onsite, where everyone around me treats me like an adult with my own responsibilities.  Being paid for my apprenticeship also give me some financial independence.


My strengths at work at the moment are teamwork, active listening and asking questions when I don’t understand or need more information. Going forward, I’d like to develop my technical knowledge so I can complete tasks independently and continue working in new locations/ jobs that require different skills sets.


So far, I am loving the SBAT program as it is highly relevant to my career goals. I would strongly recommend this program for other students who are wanting to pursue a trade and are career driven. ~ Bodhi Wilson 11V, SBAT Program