Middle School

Years 7 & 8

Semester 1 has been a big one for Year 7 and 8 with lots of things to celebrate! We started with our Year 7 camp where the students had a blast and demonstrated incredible resilience through some wild weather. Our Year 7’s connected with their peers and teachers and brought back a really positive attitude to school.


In Term 2 our Year 8’s went out for a week of Challenging excursions and climbed trees, threw each other off water inflatables, rode to the Arboretum and back and much more. They sure meet the brief of pushing themselves out of their comfort zone and had some personal growth! 


Over both Terms our students have competed head to head with other Homegroups in our Homegroup Challenge. In Term 1, our students completed the Kindness challenge to help them build some of the positive behaviours we want to see at Wantirna, with 7I and 8S being victors in completing their Bingo cards first. This term we stepped up competition and played a week's worth of Dodgeball. We saw some incredible throwing, catching and dodging skills with 7H and 8B becoming champions. We had a range of teachers participate in this, as well, and had each year level compete against staff in one final game. Overall, the students one due to sheer volume and determination however teachers suspect foul play! 



This week we had an assembly to celebrate all these successes and reward those students who are demonstrating positive behaviours. We awarded certificates to those Year 7 and 8 students who achieved 95% and above attendance for the semester and the one student who achieved 100%. We also wanted to celebrate the Green positive posts that students have been receiving this semester. 


We underestimated the amount of certificates we would need to make as there were 160 students in Year 7 and 8 who had received more than 30 green posts for the semester! 


We are very excited to see what Semester 2 has in store for Year 7 and 8!


Miss Thomson, Mr Elliott, Ms Robinson, Mr Daw, Mr Biggs, Mr Chamberlain and Mr Rogers