Principal Post

Dear Families,
Welcome back to St John Vianney's School for Term 3 ! To those who had were able to take some holiday time I trust you all had a wonderful break with family and friends!
I certainly did! As you are all aware I was away in the most beautiful places in Europe for almost seven weeks! To say I was blessed is an understatement. It was an awesome experience with my wife, family and friends and I am so grateful.
Thank you to all the staff for their ongoing care and support of students and families in the last weeks of Term 2. I thank in particular, Jenny Willmott for her excellent leadership as Acting Principal and also Bec Chan for taking up the reins as Deputy. It is fantastic to know that we have such professional and caring staff wanting to bring the best for our students and families.
Staff Baby News....
We are absolutely delighted to share the wonderful news that Leyla and Matt welcomed into the world their baby boy. Zayn Andrew Klasson was born last Saturday morning. Zayn and his parents are all doing well.
We wish Leyla and Matt every blessing with their bundle of joy!!
100 Days Foundation Students
Congratulations to our mighty Foundation Students who today celebrated their first 100 days of school! What a great achievement. They have settled and progressed so well across the first semester! I thank them for all their efforts and the delight they bring to our community. We are all so proud!
Thank you in particular to our Foundation Teachers and Foundation LSO's for all they have done to date to lead and form these students. Thank you also to all our parents and families for working so well in partership with us to support your children. Together we will continue to help these young children develop socially and academically. It's 2300 days to go before they are on Schoolies!
Yesterday our Year 3 & 5 students receieved their NAPLAN results. I hope that these reflect your child's academic abilities. Be aware that they are a snapshot of assessment conducted in March this year. They are set at a challenging but reasonable level expected at the time of testing, based mainly on what has been taught in previous years of schooling. We know that all students continue to progress throughout the year.
As a school we are very happy with these NAPLAN results. Later in the year we will receive the State Mean scores and we will be able to compare our results to the results of the State. This information will be communicated to families later in the school year.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
We are excited to begin delivering explicit lessons around the values below next term. Staff will begin our acknowledgment system with the students for displaying the following:
I am Responsible when I...
I am Respectful when I.....
I am Resilient when I....
2nd Hand School Uniforms
If you have any uniforms that you have grown out of please bring them to school to forward onto another family. We have some available at school for a small donation if you need just ask at the front office.
On the 26th July will will celebrate Grandparents Day Mass. Our Foundation L class will host the mass.
All Grandparents/ Special Friends will be invited to attend and there will be activities in all classrooms to celebrate this special day.
This celebrates the Feast Day of Joachim and Anne- Jesus Grandparents. We look forward to as many Grandparents or special friends to attend this school event. More information to follow.
eSafety Commissioner
Explore together — ask your mum, dad, carer or a trusted adult to play new games or apps with you at first.
Stay close by — when you use a phone, tablet or computer by yourself, make sure your mum, dad or carer is nearby so you can get help if you need it.
Bonus tip — Don’t use your device alone in your bedroom.
NAIDOC week was celebrated July 7th-14th. This year's theme is 'Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud.' This celebrates the unyielding spirit of First Nations communities and invites us all to stand in solidarity, amplifying their voices. Please find details about our NAIDOC Week competition further down in this newsletter.
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