What's Happening

Term 2, 2024
Friday 14th June - Winter Sport vs St Francis - away game at Nathalia
Monday 17th June - Punt Road Kinder Visiting
Tuesday 18th June - Barooga Trikki Kidz and Eileen Taylor Kinder Visiting
Wednesday 19th June - Bluebird Kinder Visiting
Thursday 20th June - Eileen Taylor Kinder Visiting
Friday 21st June - Cobram Trikki Kidz Kinder Visiting
Wednesday 26th June - Year 6 Taster Day at Cobram Secondary College
Thursday 27th June - Semester 1 School Reports go home
Thursday 27th June - EMMAC Excursion
Friday 28th June - Last Day of Term 2
Term 3, 2024
Monday 15th July - First day of Term 3
Friday 26th July - Student free day for staff professional development
2025 Enrolments
Enrolments for 2025 are now open! Students that are new to a Victorian Government School can be enrolled through the online enrolment process. Please visit https://students.educationapps.vic.gov.au/s/ to register and submit an application. Paper enrolment forms are also available from the school office.
Every day is an open day at Cobram Primary School and we love to demonstrate our excellent teaching and learning! Please phone the office on 58721374 for a school tour.
Winter Sport Friday 14th June
Year 56 students will compete against St Francis Primary School in an away game. This will be the last game of our Winter Sport Program. Students will travel via bus to Nathalia Recreation Reserve where they will compete in Football and Netball. Families are welcome to attend and watch, games will start at 1pm. Soccer and Softball teams will remain at Cobram Primary School for a practice match.
World Milk Day
This week our students enjoyed a free chocolate or strawberry milk in celebration of World Milk Day. Thank you to Saputo for their donation of milk to our students.