Deputy Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Guardians,


As we wrap up another busy week at St Patrick's, I wanted to take a moment to extend our heartfelt thanks to each of you for your continued support and enthusiasm. The ninth week of term has been nothing short of fantastic, filled with exciting learning moments, excurions and inspiring activities in all of our year levels.

Your encouragement and involvement have played an important role in the success of your children, and we are immensely grateful for your partnership in their educational journey.


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead!

Random Acts of Kindness


I would like to extend heartfelt congratulations to the following students for their exemplary display of kindness towards others. It's truly inspiring to witness students across different year levels supporting one another and making an effort to spread kindness. Your actions make our school community a better place for everyone.


Week 10


Robert D. (2BL) For helping others to put down the chairs and get ready to start the day

Nicholas A. (PET) For offering to help a classmate open his lunch wrapper. Well done Nicholas!

Thiyara V. (PSM) Thiyara helped a classmate step by step to write the number 8. Keep up the fantastic work Thiyara!

Audrey P. (PET) and Alfie E. (PET) For helping their teacher without being asked. 

Finn J. (1CL) Finn kindly brought in 14 bags of groceries for the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. WOW!!

Teagan P. (1CL) Teagan kindly assisted with putting away cushions in a recent library session without any prompting. Thanks Teagan

Aria D. (1CL) Using her initiative to complete classroom jobs with a smile

Rhys L. and Lenny T. (4IS) For cheering up their classmate and inviting him to work with them


I'd like to emphasise the importance of keeping our school community safe and healthy. With the ongoing challenges posed by various illnesses, it's crucial that we all do our part to protect one another.

One of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of illness within our school is by ensuring that children who are unwell stay home until they are fully recovered. If your child is unwell, please keep them home. In the event of an absence, please notify the school office. 

Seasons Group

Can I ask that all students from Year 1-6 in the Seasons Group please bring a photo of themselves as a baby and one of them now. This will be a chance for students to see how they have changed in the last few years. 


Bounceback Group

I am hoping that parents of all students in the Bounceback Group can bring a jar (with a lid) to school for a mindfulness activity to take place at the start of Term 3. Can I ask that parents please drop the jar off at the front office, where I will collect them. 


Enjoy a lovely weekend. 


Warm regards,


Joelle Diakrousis

Deputy Principal

Learning Diversity Leader