Year 4 News

Year 4 – ‘Who We Are’ – Preparing For Our Showcase

Central Idea: The body is made up of different systems that need to be maintained to stay healthy. 


Students in Year 4 have been individually researching about a system of their choice in the human body. They have been working hard to create and present their new knowledge via Microsoft ‘SWAY’ to their class. 


We have been so grateful to our parent medical experts who have given up their time to come and share their knowledge with informative and hands-on activities with the students. This has been a highlight! Students have also enjoyed the Mad About Science incursion to further enhance engagement and learning. 

Next Steps….. 

Year 4 students are excited to now begin working towards preparing for their important SHOWCASE, where they will share their knowledge with the school community. This group project will be a valuable and enriching experience for our students, combining academic research with hands-on creativity. 


Save The Date: 

When: Friday 21 June 

Time: 9:15am – 10am. Year 4 ‘SHOWCASE’ will be open for parent / community visitors. The rest of the school will enjoy the Showcase from 10am onwards. 


How Can You Help?... 

Students will be encouraged to explore ways to engage their audience and share their knowledge through displays, models and made-up games/quizzes. 


All research and construction will be conducted during learning time, however if you are able to provide basic materials for your child (at their request) to bring to school to support this project, we would be very grateful. 


Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions and thank you for your continued support. 


Kind regards, Year 4 Teachers 



Student Reflections 


On Friday the 5th of June. Clare and Martin Macdonald came in to tell us about their jobs. Clare is a physiotherapist and Martin is a respiratory doctor.  


Clare told us what a physiotherapist is and most people think a physiotherapist is just someone you go to when you have sore muscles but it is so much more than that. They help people in hospitals and they help people who need to regain their strength after being sick or if they are in an accident. After Clare explained some things, she showed us some pictures of fractured and broken bones. She also showed us the proper way to use crutches. 


Martin came up to the front and told us about his job. Martin is a Respiratory Doctor and he helps people who have problems with their lungs. He told us about how we should not smoke. Then he showed us x-rays of lungs of some people who smoke get little holes in their lungs so the air escapes into other parts of the body and make little air bubbles so when you press on them it makes a weird crackling sound like bubble wrap. After Martin and Clare finished it was home time and everyone was really happy after that. It was really fun😁. 

By Finn 4A 


Last week, Year 4 presented our Sways. Our unit of inquiry is: the body is made 

Up of different systems that need to be maintained in order to stay healthy. The system I did was the muscular system. Sleep helps us store energy that our muscles need. Also your muscles need time to recover from lifting things which puts small cracks in your muscles that swell up and need to be repaired. They only repair when you're asleep. Everyone presented their information and we all learnt about the different systems. 

By Harry 4A 



Last week the Year 4s present our human body sways to the class. 


Mrs. Badley (my teacher) picked our names out of a hat to decide who went first. I wanted to go first but eventually my turn came. When I got called up to go a shiver down my spine. But I still got up there. The first sentences I said were a bit wobbly but towards the end I was good. 


Here are some fun facts I said: 

If you were to lay out all the Arteries, Capillaries and Veins it will go around the twice and a half. 

Humans have a heart rate of about 75 beats a minute, which is the same rate of an adult sheep. 


Your heart pumps about 100,000 times a day! 

And at the very end of my presentation I said, “Bob's your uncle!” which means and that’s it! 

By Aleia 4A 


Hi my name is Hudson and I'm going to be telling you about our Sway presentations. Ok, here we are, I`m going to tell you some fun facts. First it took us around a week to get our sways ready for the presentation. I was the only person who did the skeletal system in our class, and if you’re wondering what the skeletal system is, it’s just about all of your bones. I was a bit nervous before I did the presentation but felt good afterwards. 

By Hudson 4A



Two weeks ago, we started making a sway about a certain part of the human body, I chose the eye. Everyone was really good they had put a lot of effort into their sway. The next week we thought of some big questions that would affect the human body, then we got put into some groups. I was with Jonty, Declan and Kai. We chose what happens if you have a missing organ. We couldn't find any information then we searched more specifically and said how does brain damage affect the body. We had to see how it would affect our certain system then we searched up information about it. Next we are going to start a poster about it then we would make a model of what we were doing. Next Friday 21 we are going to do our presentation we will all be set up in 4C in our groups then the rest of the school and parents will come over and see our Showcase!  

By Henry 4B 


On Wednesday last week we had our class presentation, and we were presenting our sways on the human body. We all worked hard on our sways, and we had a bunch of information and facts, we all had to focus on a system in the body. I did the muscular system. We all were pretty nervous, but we knew we had to do it. I was up first, and I spoke about how tendons work and facts about the muscles. It was really fun but also nerve racking but honestly, I'm happy I did it. And there was a lot of different systems people talked about we all learnt about all different systems it was really fun and I think everybody enjoyed it. 

By Teage 


A few days ago, we did the presentation, and I was very happy and very worried too. 

The presentation was very scary but I did it and I was happy. But at first l was nervous. And I had to speak in front of the whole class and I started and my voice was a train wreck (very soft) voice but then I was ok. And a few more weeks from here and it is the real deal because we will be presenting to the young kids at our Showcase and I will be worried but happy to share my information.  

By Sora 4B 



This week we have a Year 10 work experience student from Sandringham Secondary College called Addyson but we call her Addy. She is a cat person and is getting a new kitten this week, so cute! She is really nice, funny, kind and joyful.  



She went to B.N.P.S. and remembers lots of the teachers and classrooms she used to be in. She is scared of horses. Her favorite color is blue and she is a Swifty. She goes for Hawthorn. Another fun fact about Addy is that she did skateboarding for 4 years. We are really enjoying having Addy help out in Year 4. 

By Stevie and Charlotte S. 4A 



Hi my name is Jacob and I'm a student in class as well as our class SAT representative. During the past few weeks we have been working on art pieces that will be presented at Beaumaris Secondary College. Some of my art work was chosen to be in the exhibition! It was very fun doing the multiple activities. 

And I can’t wait to go and see it!! 

By Jacob 4A 



In sport my class is doing dancing. The song we are dancing to is called the Cha Cha slide. I REALLY love dancing because I am usually very good at it. I love moving and DANCING!!! Also in sport you get to be in a group with your friends.  


In the group we all have to make a dance together (I have a lot of gymnastics moves). Oh, and did I mention the song we are dancing to it is called Dance the Night Away by Dua Lipa. My group have already made the moves to our dance, and we really like them. 

By Emilia 4A