Year 2 News 

Ciao Italy Incursion


As part of our current Unit of Inquiry 'Where we are in place and time', students have been learning about the significance of other cultures and the traditions and celebrations they bring to Australia with them. 

On Wednesday June 5, the year 2 students were very lucky to have Mr. Emilio Fagiolo visit in the morning and present his very entertaining Ciao Italy experience. The presentation covered the journey his father took from Italy to Melbourne when he migrated to Australia during World War 2. 


The presentation was highly interactive and provided students with lots of hands-on learning experiences. Students were able to see real life items that were bought over on the boat from Italy and see firsthand the size of the suitcase used when migrating. Students were shocked to hear the boat journey from Italy to Melbourne took 42 days and upon arriving in Melbourne Mr. Fagiolo’s papa could not speak any English.  


Students learnt how people from different cultures could find common interests despite the obvious language barrier. Some of these common interests included sport (soccer and AFL), food (pasta and Aussie BBQs), and family. Students were able to see first-hand traditional Italian items including an espresso machine, pasta maker, bottle capper used for pasta sauce and a traditional pizzelle iron used to make Italian Waffles.  


To conclude the presentation students were taught some traditional Italian dances that are still used in celebrations today. 

Please enjoy the videos of the students dancing as part of this newsletter. 





The experience was highly valuable for all students and helps set the scene for students as they begin to prepare for their own 'migration' around the school coming up in week 10 of this term. 

Year 2 Assembly

During term 1 and 2, year 2 students participate in year 2 assembly on Friday afternoons which provides an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of students across the year level. 

Students are celebrated for various achievements and presented with certificates for wellbeing, behaviour aligned to our PYP learner profile attributes, consistent home reading and Manga High achievements.  

Please enjoy the photos attached celebrating the wonderful achievements of all students in year 2 for semester 1. We are very proud of all their hard work and personal development in the first half of the year.