Student Interview -Zion & Mara

Student Interview with Zion and Mara


What do you love about school?

Zion - Going to the activities (art, sport).



Mara - I love learning.

Were you nervous about starting Year Prep?

Zion - No 


Mara - A bit nervous.


Who is your hero?

Zion - I have a bestie - Austin from the green room.


Mara - My teacher - Mrs Plum.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Zion- A zookeeper.


Mara - Maybe a nurse.


What did you see recently that made you smile/be happy?

Zion - My friends.


Mara - Playing with my friends.

If you had a wish, what would you wish for?                                         

Zion - To go to Jurassic Park.


Mara- To get a pet cat.