Principal's Message

Sarah Travis

As another term draws to a close, it's time to reflect on the incredible achievements and experiences we've shared. Our production of High School Musical was a resounding success, demonstrating the extraordinary talent and dedication of both our students and staff. It was particularly heartening to see our support unit students actively involved, highlighting the inclusivity and community spirit that define our school.


This term, we've celebrated numerous sporting achievements, with our teams excelling in hockey, softball, soccer and touch football. Our athletes have shown remarkable skill and sportsmanship, making us proud in every competition.


Our agriculture students also had an enriching experience at cattle camp, where they immersed themselves in hands-on learning and developed new skills. Their enthusiasm and hard work were truly commendable.


In addition to these achievements, our students have shown tremendous commitment to raising awareness for mental health. They collectively completed over 17,000 push-ups, an incredible effort that underscores their dedication to this important cause. What an outstanding achievement!


We were also thrilled to welcome Eddie Woo, the Leader of Mathematics Growth for the NSW Department of Education, to our school. Eddie wowed us with his innovative teaching methods and entertained our students with engaging mathematical problems. His visit was an inspiring experience for both students and staff.


We invite you to check out all the amazing photos and success stories from this term on our Facebook page. These snapshots capture the spirit and vibrancy of our school community, showcasing the diverse activities and accomplishments of our students.


As we approach the winter break, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone for their hard work and dedication. Let's all take this time to rest, recharge, and stay warm. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, and I look forward to seeing you all refreshed and ready for the new term.