Sports News

PSSA Rugby League Knock Out
On Friday 14th of June, 16 very eager Boambee Public School rugby league players travelled to Geoff King Motors Oval to compete in the PSSA Rugby League Knock Out Gala Day. The intention of this day was to complete the first four rounds of the competition.
We versed Frank Partridge VC and Macksville PS in the first two rounds and quite convincingly overcame them 28-4 and 22-4 respectively. In the third round Boambee PS versed South Grafton PS and won a very tight match 6-4 with a late try a few minutes before full time. In the fourth round, we then played a very fresh Narranga PS, who had only played one game for the day after receiving two byes due to forfeits. Boambee let them get off to a 16 nil lead before clawing back a try to make it 16-6. Both teams then slogged it out with no further points.
Under trying circumstances, I couldn't have been more proud of the effort and more importantly the attitude that the boys displayed.
Well done boys and hopefully there is some more footy opportunities later in the year!
Mr Pike.
Last week our students participated in the AFL Gala day against 3 other local schools. With only 4 AFL players in our team, our students were exceptional in their performance and their sportsmanship. After winning all 3 of our round robin games very comfortably we then moved to a bigger field for the final. Unfortunately after not having played on the big field at all during the day we didn't play as well, finding ourselves out of position with the larger space. Unfortunately we lost the final but can definitely hold our heads high for our performance. Hats off to the opposition, they played really well to beat us in the final.
Soccer - Girls
The Boambee girls' soccer team is performing strongly this year and improving with each game. This success is a result of the entire team's dedication to training and teamwork. They won against Coffs Harbour Public School last week with an impressive 11-0 victory and will compete against Bellingen Public School in round four of the knockout competition early next term. Congratulations, girls! Keep up the great work!