Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Focus
Our PBL focus is a Resilient focus. Students are re-visiting when to use a Nunguu's Choice and when to ask for help. Nunguu's Choices assist students to be Resilient to solve their own "small", manageable issues that may arise. Asking for help is also being resilient. Students need to ask for help when a problem is "big" or when they have already tried two Nunguu's Choices with no success.
PBL Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a PBL award at Friday's assembly:
KH - Meilani Caffery
KMB - Thomas Shortt
KW - Theo Stein
1D - Oscar Wright
1L - Tessa Wiseman
2RG - Heidi Stone
2/3B - Bella Taylor
3ML - Riley Newell
3N - Evelyn Cormick
4S - Tristen Cook
4M - Hunter Wiggins
4/5WP - Ava Gee
5BG - Jordan Schley
6G - Riley Atkins
6D - Harper Morison