Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Strategic Planning and Home Learning
In our last bulletin I communicated our current focus on Home Reading. This is also a long term strategic focus within our current Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP).
We want to provide our students with motivation to be continuing to extend their learning at home. We also want to support our busy parents and families with realistic ways to achieve this. We are seeing a very clear correlation between home reading and reading success at school, those students and families who are consistently prioritising home reading are seeing maximised progress. We are also seeing the opposite for students and families who are not consistently engaging in home learning.
Here is our advice to support this:
- Make it an every night bedtime routine. it is an excellent routine to get your kids settled for bed.
- We know families are busy, and there will be nights that are missed due to sporting or social commitments and if your goal is 7 nights per week and you reach 4 or 5, this is a good outcome for your children.
- Make reading fun, don't worry about mistakes. We see that when families at home get caught up with challenging words, they lose the meaning of the story and it becomes less fun for the children. Give the student the word and move on.
- Prioritise having fun with the books you are reading. Play with the words, make jokes. Your children will look forward to bedtime if this is your approach.
- You investment in this as parents will make a significant positive difference to your children's education and future.
We are very pleased to report that we have seen a strong improvement in this over the past 4 weeks. Here is the data:
As you can see, if we reach our target we are planning a Mufti Day for the last day of term. We are also organising some fun activities, pancakes and our PBL draw for that day. We look forward to celebrating our improvement in this important focus.
Boambee Choir
On Saturday afternoon our choir students performed at the Winter Solstice Festival at the Boambee Community Centre.
As always, our students performed beautifully and made everyone proud. This is another example of the excellent extra curricular opportunities we are actively providing for our students. Sincere thanks to the parents who made the time to be there on Saturday and as always, Mrs Sciortino - you are a gem!
School Arrival Times
Please note that supervision for children begins at 8:25 unless you are doing strength and conditioning which starts at 8:15. Any arrival before this time without parent supervision is too early, and your children are unsupervised in that circumstance.
Afternoon Pick Up
Sincere thanks to those families who have pushed back their drive through pick up times to a little later in the day, it has eased the pressure in the pick up zone.
Thank you also to the parents who have followed the request to wait at the tree instead of going up to the top COLA, this has increased our ability to supervise your children and safely manage a very busy departure routine at the end of the school day.
Principal's Awards
Ned O'Sullivan - 2/3B
Ned has been an outstanding leader and friend to a new student in 2/3B.
Octavia Mayers - KH
Outstanding growth in writing.
Jaxen Graves - 3ML
Being a kind and supportive team mate.
Ava Meli - 4M
Outstanding effort and application in the classroom.
Khyle Wait - 3N
Outstanding commitment to his work and our PBL Values.
Beatrix Alam - 3N
Outstanding commitment to her work and the school PBL Values.
Nate Byrnes - 5BG
Nate has shown outstanding leadership during PBL lessons and morning fitness sessions. He works hard to ensure Kindergarten students understand the lesson and he does so with a positive attitude.
Liam Macarthur - 4/5WP
Confidently adapting to change. Welcome to Boambee PS!
Mase Croft - 2RG
Independently recognising learnt language features in texts.
Indiana Browett - 1L
Presenting a fabulous, engaging topic talk about bees.
Fox Hornby - 1L
Always being a focused and engaged learner.
Ivy Buckman - KW
Ivy displays excellent listening skills and is an engaged and focused learner who is achieving her learning goals.
School Photos
School photos have been sent home. For additional orders or if you missed out please see information below.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.