
Year 7 Technology Mandatory

7Tech2 has continued to work well in the kitchen to produce a series of delicious food. Recipe books will go home next week. Make sure you ask them to cook you something as they have all shown skill development and independence in the kitchen. This fortnight students cooked fried rice and hamburgers. Well done boys

Mrs Golden

Year 8 Technology Mandatory

Year 8 Tech2 have completed their LED light box projects successfully wiring and coding the lighting sequence. Lots of creative ideas. Students have been extending their coding knowledge and experimenting with button and buzzers this fortnight. Well done to all the students who submitted their 3D printed  research task in on time. I can’t wait to read all the amazing ways this technology can assist society.

Mrs Golden

Textiles and Design

The class is edging closer to the submission of the Major Textile Project which is due early term 3. All of the hard work is starting to pay off with the projects and folios coming together rapidly. A great achievement to get to this point. The class is now actively working on the supporting documentation including compiling all the experimentation conducted over the HSC course.

Mrs Golden

7-10 Sport

Students are continuing to compete in the House Cup for 7-10 Sport. The sports change every week and students have enjoyed playing a variety of games such as Capture the Flag, Crazy Kickit and Lacrosse.

Each week, teams are awarded 3 points for a win and 2 points for a draw. Since the last newsletter update in Week 5, Blue 4 have taken the lead on 64 points, with Blue 1, Blue 2, Blue 3 and Green 4 following close on their heels.

Week 10 is the last week for the House Cup and we can't wait to see which team ends up taking home the highly sought after trophy!

Mrs Cosgrove 

Our year 10 entrepreneur girls travelled to Young recently to 'soft-launch' their Hygi-Eco packs. 

Designed to assist people who are struggling with cost of living pressures and homelessness, the girls created hygiene packs for women, men and children.

Our entrepreneurs, Delilah Cross, Lilah Manges, Mylee Taylor and Finlay Shore travelled to the Community Hub in Young to showcase what they have created so far. With a generous grant from Andrew Britton on behalf of the Office of Regional Youth, the girls have been able to create 30 packs so far.

They strive to continue going out into the community to receive further feedback to improve their packs, with plans to have an official event launch later this year.


Mrs Dreverman

BCS & St Joey's Girls joined forces for an Enterprising Girls workshop!

The girls spent the day learning 21st century entrepreneurial skills and success stories.


The Australian Defence Force (ADF) are coming to Young during the school holidays.  


Bunnings Car Park

288 Boorowa St

Young 2594

Saturday 13th July 24


ADF bus

Young Library

Campbell street

Young 2594

Saturday 13th July 24


This will be a presentation

Bunnings Car Park

288 Boorowa St

Young 2594

Sunday 14th July 24


ADF bus

You will have the opportunity to speak face to face with serving ADF personnel about their defence careers. No booking is required.