From the Principal

Good morning everyone, we have had a very productive week with the Attitudes to School survey being conducted at Year 9, 10, 11 and 12. Due to the large student numbers at the senior school more sessions will occur next week along with a scheduled time for Year 7. 


Our Year 7 students return from camp today. A great time has been had by all. Thank you to the many staff who have volunteered their time to attend camp. They will be exhausted when they arrive back this afternoon. Thankyou also to Jo Reeman and Evangeline Romage for their organisation.  


It is with pleasure that I announce the new student management team at Year 7. Evangeline Romage is the Year 7 Team Leader and Kerstin Lyndsey is the Year 7 Coordinator. Together, they bring a wealth of experience and I am looking forward to the many activities they have planned for Year 7. 


As mentioned last week, teaching staff learnt about classroom mastery and will continue to refine their skills and knowledge in this area. When ready, they will focus on 3 areas ensuring students are ready to learn in every classroom. These include the entry and exit routines and the ‘cue to start’. More information will be provided throughout the term.  


Have a wonderful weekend. 









Linda Stanton


Important Dates

Term 2



Tuesday 4th June - Year 12 TRAG Excursion

Thursday 6th to Friday 14th June - Year 10 and 11 Mid Year Exams

Monday 10th June - King's Birthday - Public Holiday

Monday 17th June - Semester 2 Begins

Tuesday 18th June - Year 12 GAT

Thursday 20th to Friday 21st June - Year 12 Outdoor Ed Snow Camp

Friday 21st June - SMR Cross Country - Ballam Park

Tuesday 25th June - 2025 Course Information Evening - 5.00 to 7.00pm

Thursday 27th June - Year 12 Fancy Dress Evening - Frankston Arts Centre

Friday 28th June - Last Day of Term 2 - 2.30pm Dismissal


Term 3



Monday 15th July - Term 3 Commences

Tuesday 16th July - Whole School Assembly

Monday 22nd to Friday 26th July - Grade 4 and 5 Science Fair Week

Friday 26th July to Tuesday 6th August - Osaka Exchange

Friday 26th July - Year 9 Course Counselling



Tuesday 30th July to Thursday 1st August - College Production

Friday 2nd August - Year 10 2024 into Year 11 2025 Course Counselling

Thursday 22nd August - Parent Teacher Interviews - At school and online

Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th August - Music Camp



Wednesday 11th September - Year 7 & 8 Showcase - Science, Humanities and Japanese

Thursday 12th September - 2025 Parent Information Evening - 5.00 to 6.00pm

Friday 13th September - Staff Professional Development Day - Student Free

Monday 16th to Friday 20th September - Year 12 completing Units 3 and 4 - Trial Exams

Monday 16th to Thursday 19th September - Year 12 Revision Lectures

Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term 3 - 2.30pm Dismissal

Don't forget to look on compass for sport sign ups, excursions and any other information sent to students and parents. 

Below is a link to help guide you in your use of compass.


Middle School

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week has been bustling with excitement and enriching activities across various year levels at Mornington Secondary College.


**Year 7 Camp at The Summit Trafalgar**

The highlight of the week has undoubtedly been the Year 7 camp at The Summit Trafalgar. The air was filled with anticipation and excitement as students and teachers gathered in the morning, waiting for the buses that would take them on this much-awaited adventure. The journey marks the beginning of a memorable camp experience filled with team-building activities, outdoor challenges, and lasting friendships. We wish our Year 7 students an incredible time and look forward to hearing all about their adventures upon their return this afternoon.

**Attitude to School Surveys for Years 8 & 9** 

Our Year 8 and 9 students have been actively participating in the Attitude to School Surveys. These surveys are a vital tool for us to understand students' perceptions and experiences at school. The feedback gathered will help us continue to improve the educational environment and ensure a supportive and enriching atmosphere for all.


**Year 9 Science and Humanities Classes** 

During my visits to various classes, I was particularly impressed by the engagement and creativity displayed in the Year 9 Science and Humanities classes. In Science, students are tasked with an exciting project: creating a 3D model of an animal or plant cell. This hands-on activity not only reinforces their understanding of cell structures but also encourages artistic expression for their design.


In Humanities, Year 9 students are delving into the history of the First World War, with a focus on trench warfare. The lessons are bringing history to life, helping students grasp the realities and challenges faced by soldiers during the war. This immersive learning experience is sparking meaningful discussions and deepening their historical understanding.


**All Schools Running Relay Championships** 

We are thrilled to announce that tomorrow, Ms. Alex Mackenzie will be heading to Carlton with our team for the All Schools Road Relay Championships. This event is a fantastic opportunity for our athletes to showcase their skills and dedication. We wish Ms. Mackenzie and our runners Jackson Ablett Year 8, Bailey Barrett Year 8, Rafael Merchan Year 8 and Ethan Sheen Year 9 the very best of luck in their races.


I also must mention our senior students in Year 11 providing the staff with “Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea an event to support the cancer council to raise funds for people impacted by cancer. It was a fantastic event and all students and staff involved did a great job.


This week has truly exemplified the vibrant spirit of our school community. From adventurous outings to insightful academic projects and competitive sports, our students continue to thrive and excel in various domains. Stay tuned for more updates and stories in our next newsletter!


Wishing you a wonderful week.




Denise Leggett

Middle School Assistant Principal




Senior School

To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,


Happy hump week! Yes, we’ve made it through the first half of this 11-week term and now move into the final half of term with exams, the GAT and the start of unit 2&4 and Year 10 semester 2 timetables all appearing on the horizon.


Exam Period (Years 10 & 11)

The year 10 & 11 mid-year exam period will run from Thursday 6th June until Friday 14th June. Year 10 and 11 (VCE ATAR) students will only be required at school when they have a scheduled exam. I will post further information on Compass next week, including an electronic version of the 10 & 11 Exam Navigator. Year 11 VCE VM students will be taking part in mid-year evaluation presentation interviews during those same dates. Details will be distributed by the VCE-VM team in the coming days. As always, students attending school for exams or interviews will need to do so in full-school uniform. Year 11 students will have a home study day on Wednesday the 5th June to simulate a mini SWOTVAC period in preparation for Year 12. Year 11 students are advised to spend the day studying at home. It is not considered a day off. Exam marks for Year 10 and 11 exams will be used to help determine pathways and opportunities in both semester 2 and into 2025. Results will be reported in the semester reports released in week 11 of this term.


Year 12 GAT 

All students undertaking a Unit 3&4 subject in 2024 (including VCE-VM students) will be required to sit The General Achievement Test (GAT) on Tuesday 18th June. The GAT is a pen-and-paper test of general knowledge and skills taken by students in the course of completing their senior secondary studies.


The GAT plays an important role in the quality assurance of VCE assessments and also provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate they meet the Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Standards expected at a senior secondary level.


No special study is needed. Past study of subjects like English, Mathematics, Science and History prepares students for the GAT by building their general knowledge and skills in writing, numeracy and reasoning.


Students will be distributed a GAT information brochure in week 7 and year 12 students will undertake GAT preparation sessions through the Connect and ROADMAP programs. VCE VM students will prepare in their VM Literacy and Numeracy classes while Year 11 students studying a Year 12 subject will receive a GAT information session and brochure.


For more information about the GAT, please go to 


Senior School Activities


Biggest Morning Tea

VCE VM Year 11 students doing a great job for charity. Our year 11 VCE VM classes ran the world’s Biggest Morning Tea for our staff on Thursday to raise money for the Cancer Council (feel free to donate here if you are in a position to do so - They did a fantastic job running games and activities, serving home-made scones, sausage rolls and other goodies and welcomed all staff into the morning tea. It was another example of the fantastic potential our VCE VM students have and what a positive contribution they make to our community. As someone who has several loved one impacted by cancer, I thank you and your teachers for your work. 


Dress as a Decade Day

Year 12 students dress-as-a-decade day was a really fun Year 12 event that took place on Thursday. I’m sure there will be photos to be seen elsewhere but the students did a fantastic job dressing up. The 20s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90 were all prominent and I’m sure I missed a few as well. Our student services officers also ensured a very ‘peaceful’ vibe in the office – I’ll let you guess which decade they chose! 

Have a great weekend!

Kind regards,




Nick Evans

Senior School Assistant Principal




VCE Vocational Major Students Helping at the Mornington Library

It was great to see our VCE Vocational Major students helping community members with their technology issues at the library on Thursday 16 May. The program is promoted on the library website and members of the community can sign up and get free tech help. Students, as part of their Personal Development class, were helping citizens with settings on their devices, social media, downloading photos onto a USB and generally having a good chat and laugh with them.


This program will continue over the next three weeks, and we look forward to continuing to see the positive interactions between the students and members of the community where the students are demonstrating exceptional communication and problem solving skills.


A big thank you to Jo Dixon for driving the Rosa to and from the library – we all appreciated her excellent driving skills.


Dianne Parkinson and Kirsty Hamson

VCE VM Personal Development Teachers

Year 7 Connect - Showing Gratitude

Gratitude, simply defined, is the quality of being thankful and the readiness to show appreciation and return kindness. For students in Year 7, who stand at a pivotal point in their transition from childhood to adolescence, the cultivation of gratitude can play a transformative role.


Why emphasize gratitude among Year 7 students? At this age, students are navigating complex social dynamics and academic pressures, experiences that shape their developing personalities. Gratitude helps to anchor them in positive attitudes and fosters an environment of mutual respect and empathy.


Over the past few weeks, in Year 7 Connect classes, we have been showing gratitude through paying our respects to the ANZACs through our sunset art depicting a military hero silhouette.  We discussed the significant sacrifice and bravery our war veterans have shown over numerous conflicts and how grateful we are for their service to our country.


We have also shown gratitude to our nearest and most dear, our mums.  We had circle time where we shared key terms that come to mind when we think of our mothers.  Some students contributed words like ‘cleaner’ or ‘chef’ but many said ‘kind’, ‘beautiful’, ‘amazing’.  We used these key terms as the basis of our craft project for mum, where students used scrabble tiles to spell out these words in a crossword, or used adjectives to describe mum using the first letter of each scrabble tile that spelt out M O T H E R.  Some students chose to make a card with heartfelt words inside about how their mum makes them feel and sharing a precious memory they have with their mum.  Students were encouraged to consider if there was a grandmother, aunty, step-mum or any other important females in their lives they wanted to show gratitude towards on Mother’s Day.


We hope all our Mornington Secondary mums had a wonderful Mother’s Day.


Michelle Barnes

Curriculum Implementation Leader


Division Cross Country Championships

On May 21st 118 Mornington Secondary College students took part in The Division Cross Country Championships held at Hastings Foreshore. Conditions were perfect to run in with the sun shining and hardly a breeze. Participation was outstanding from our students and once again we had several runners stepping up to compete in older age groups to contribute points for our school total.


Our results:


Overall Mornington Secondary finished just two points off first place finishing second to Dromana Secondary College. We did however bring home the flags in the following categories:

  • First place overall junior girls 12/13 & 14
  • First place overall junior boys 12/13 & 14
  • First place grand aggregate boys

Winning Teams:

  • 12/13 girls
  • 12/14 boys
  • 14 boys 
  • 17-20 boys

These outstanding results were a huge team effort from every student involved on the day, we are very proud of your contribution to our Cross Country team success! Thanks to Mr Walker and our AFL trainees Zarah and Emily for all you help with the organization of the day. 


Congratulations to the following 39 students who have qualified for SMR Cross Country at Ballam Park on Tuesday 25th June at Ballam Park!

12/13 Boys

  • Jackson Ablett 2nd 
  • Nicholas Tihalia 4th 
  • Noah Sheen 2nd

12/13 Girls

  • Ella Holcombe 3rd
  • Hannah Cooper 4th
  • Emily Cooper 10th
  • Kendel Christie 11th

14 Boys

  • Ethan Sheen 1st
  • Ryder Rowe 3rd
  • Kai Peel 4th
  • Bailey Barret 5th
  • Rafa Merchan

14 Girls

  • Lexi Pascuzzo 6th
  • Amelia Pascuzzo 10th
  • Ellie Smith 15th

15 Boys

  • Baylin Wilcox 1st
  • Heath Tiller 7th
  • Jimmy Tiller 10th
  • Evan Schulinus 13th
  • Alex Chambers 15th

16 Girls

  • Juliette Strachan 2nd
  • Evi Irving 5th
  • Macey Andreatta 15th

16 Boys

  • Jack Pryor 2nd
  • Mathis Minnameier 8th
  • Archie Gunning 9th
  • Reece Brown 14th

17-20 Girls

  • Paris Caulfield 6th
  • Cora Sanderson 7th
  • Taylor Eagles 11th
  • Taylah Rowe 12th
  • Larni Thomas 13th
  • Alana Classon 14th

17-20 Boys

  • Andrew Turver 1st
  • Jackson linskill 2nd
  • Cian Andrews 8th
  • Harry Craig 12th

Alex Mackenzie

Athletics Coach

Canteen - Exciting Announcement

Our current canteen contractor has decided to leave us at the end of this term. We would like to thank Alan and his team for his dedication and service to the College.


The college has decided to manage the canteen in house rather than outsource it.


We will endeavor to run the canteen with minimal disruption to service while the changeover is taking place.


The advantages of running the canteen ourselves

  • Better service to our students and staff
  • Increased range of healthy options
  • Increase student voice – Students will have a say in what they want on the menu
  • Increase service to staff members
  • Compass online ordering to pre order your lunches or recess snacks
  • The Canteen staff feel part of the MSC community

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