RE News
St Patrick's Day and St Joseph's Day Masses
Our St Patrick's Day Mass will be held on Monday 18th March at 9am. This will be a whole school mass.
Students from Year 6 will be attending Parish Mass for the feast of St Joseph on Tuesday 19th March at 9am.
Please feel free to join us for these two special occasions.
Family Masses
We had an amazing turnout of students and families at our first Family Mass for 2024 last weekend. It was great to see the church filled with smiling St Pat's faces and all listening to the word of God with such reverence.
Our next Family Mass will be held on Saturday 6th April 2024 at 5pm. Our Year 1 and 5 Buddies and their families are warmly invited along with the entire St Patrick's community. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Project Compassion
As our Lenten season is drawing to a close, we are reminding of the call for almsgiving at this time. If you would like to contribute to our Project Compassion appeal, there are donation boxes in all classrooms as well as the front office. Thank you to everyone for your generosity so far with this yearly appeal.
Holy Week Liturgies
Beginning next Friday 22nd March we will commence our celebration of the events of Holy Week through short morning liturgies led by our students. You are warmly invited to stay each morning to be part of these celebrations.
Friday 22nd March - 8.50am QUAD
Year One - Lenten Journey
Kindergarten - Palm Sunday
Monday 25th March - 8.50am QUAD
Year Three - The Last Supper
Tuesday 26th March - 8.50am QUAD
Year Five - Agony in the Garden, Arrest, Crowning with Thorns
Wednesday 27th March - 8.50am QUAD
Year Four - Carrying the Cross
Thursday 28th March - 8.50am QUAD
Year Six - Crucifixion and Burial
Tuesday 2nd April - 8.50am QUAD
Year Two - Jesus Rises from the Dead
News from our fabulous Family and Faith Educator
Help Requested
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross @ Woronora Memorial Park, Sutherland
Tuesday, 19 March
Have you made time this Lent to reflect on the upcoming events of Holy Week? Why not join the Family Educators from the Sutherland Shire Catholic Schools for Stations of the Cross at Woronora Memorial Park Sutherland? This prayerful experience will give you insight into Jesus’s last hours on earth.
Family Educators from all the Sutherland Shire Catholic schools have collaborated to organise a combined parent, grandparents and friends excursion on Tuesday 19th March, to the Stations of the Cross at Woronora Memorial Park, Sutherland. The Stations of the Cross has a long tradition in our faith, the devotion grew out of a desire to imitate the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, which was thought to be the route taken by Jesus on the road to Calvary.
Christ’s Passion and Resurrection offer lessons for us all, not just in the power of prayer to overcome obstacles but also hope in the promise of the soul’s next joyful journey. Pope Francis said he’d like us to experience Lent with Love. Simple love for humanity and our world. He also said that Faith, Hope, and Love are intertwined with Fasting, Almsgiving, and Prayer.
This reflection time, in lovely surroundings, is a wonderful way for us to complete our Lenten Journey. It is also an opportunity for parents and parishioners across the Catholic Schools in Sutherland Shire to connect and share in our faith.
Parent/Grandparents/Friends/Parishioners Excursion Details
Date: Tuesday 19th March
Location: Woronora Memorial Park
- 10:45 am Meet at the Stations of the Cross at Woronora Memorial Park - For more details click here.
- 11am The Family Educators will lead you through prayer and reflection around the Stations of the Cross
- 12:30 pm Finish with Lunch at Mike’s Grill, Club on East, Sutherland (own expense).
If you’d like to come along please fill out the Google form Stations of the Cross RSVP. Toddlers are welcome and must be supervised at all times. Please note: This excursion is not for children who attend St Patrick’s Primary School.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I am looking forward to spending some time in prayer and reflection with you.
Liturgical Calendar - Term 1 2024
Please see our Liturgical Calendar for Term 1. Please be reminded that this is updated regularly.
Our families are welcome to join us for Parish Mass on Wednesdays at 9am.
Together we 'Grow in Strength',
Nicole Moss
Religious Education Coordinator