General News

Dhulu - Message Stick

Cultural Learning Plans:

Our AEA staff would like to invite you to our Cultural Learning Plan meetings for 2024. It would be wonderful for you to meet the AEA your child is working with, however, if you have children at both campuses and you would only like to attend one meeting, please email by Friday 8th March. 

Infants Wednesday 13th March 2024

Location: Infants Library 

Time:   3:30-5:00pm

Primary:  Thursday 14th March 2024

Location: The Dhirrabuu Warruwi Room - Primary Cultural Room

Time:  3:30-5:00 pm


Gamilaraay Word of the Week:

Maliyaa - Friend


Word of the Week

Each time a student uses our "Word of the Week" in the classroom they will be awarded a point and the student with the most points at the end of the term will receive a book to further expand their vocabulary.


We will publish our Word of the Week on Facebook and in the newsletter. Please support your child to use this word at home.     


Term 1 Week 5  Word of the Week "DELUSION"

Upcoming Events...

Term 1 School Fees

School fee statements were emailed to all families on the 21st February. The sender will be noreply.schoolfeestatement (Please check your junk/spam folders).  School fees are due by Friday 22nd March 2024. Payments can be made via BPAY and Compass Pay.  

BPAY is our preferred method of payment for school fees.  BPAY can be set up as a recurring payment with a set amount to cover annual school fees. If you would like this amount worked out for you please email Hannah - Please see the sample statement, 2024 school tuition fees and link to a video to help set up your BPAY. 

Please make contact with Hannah at the Primary on 6765 7847 if you feel you will struggle to pay the school fees or you have any other questions.   


 2024 School Tuition Fees


Medical Action Plans

Medical Action Plans were sent home late last year to all families who have children with Asthma, Seizures, Diabetes and Anaphylaxis.  Parents are asked to update these forms annually, including a signature from your family doctor.  Please return these signed Action Plans to school as soon as possible, thank you.  Special thanks to the families who have already returned their child's plan.


Parents of students who have been diagnosed with any of the above medical conditions since enrolling are asked to advise either school office ASAP so a Medical Action Plan can be processed and sent home.    

Australian Government Collection of Data

2024 NAPLAN - Years 3 & 5 Students

NAPLAN will take place in Week 7 from Wednesday 13th March to Monday 25th March. Please refer below to some important NAPLAN information for parents of our Years 3 & 5 students.

SAVE THE DATE - St Ed's School Photos - Week 9

INFANTS - Tuesday 26th March (all students to wear full Summer School Uniform)

PRIMARY - Wednesday 27th March (all students to wear full Summer School Uniform)


IMPORTANT UNIFORM CHANGE:  Please note that SPORT DAYS in PHOTO WEEK (WEEK 9) will be Thursday 28th and Friday 29th March so all students K-6 are asked to wear their sports uniform on those days.


Online orders must be placed via the Parent Compass Portal prior to the day. This can be found in your app, under the 'more' tab found in the bottom right hand corner and then click on the 'photo ordering' tab.  If you cannot order online, please call MSP on 67723519 to arrange an alternate payment.


Consent for Compass Events

It is important that parents and carers please ensure you regularly log onto your COMPASS parent portal and approve or decline any events shown on there for your child/children.  Thank you to the families who have already attended to this.

2025 Kindergarten - ENROL NOW

Applications for Kindergarten 2025 are NOW OPEN. Please contact the Infants Campus for an enrolment pack or download the online form.

Enrolment Applications must be accompanied by the relevant supporting documents as listed on the cover page of the application form. ie: Birth and Immunisation Certificate; Baptismal Certificate (only required if your child is baptised Catholic) and proof of student’s residential address. 

Please spread the word if you know of anyone with a child wishing to start at St Edward's School in Kindergarten in 2025.  Please note enrolment applications close on Tuesday 9th April.

School Travel - Bus Passes & Concessions

Please note there is a new website where parents can access bus pass applications. 


At the end of 2022, National Cabinet announced that people who test positive to COVID-19 do not need to isolate. In line with this announcement, schools will continue to follow guidance issued by NSW Health to support the safety and wellbeing of our school communities. 


Staff and Students with COVID-19 Symptoms

If a student or staff member is unwell and has any symptoms they should always test for COVID-19 and not attend school until they are symptom free. 


Positive COVID-19 Cases

If a student or staff member receives a positive result with a RAT or PCR test they should:

  1. Record the positive result through the Services NSW website or App.
  2. Notify school of positive results as soon as possible. 

2024 Calendar of Events - St Ed's P & F......

Athletes Foot

Don't forget when you purchase your school or sport shoes at the Athletes Foot Tamworth, to mention you are a member of the St Edward's Tamworth school community. $5 from every purchase is donated back to our school. 

Esteem Kids

Before school care is available in the Infants Hall for both Primary and Infants students.  It operates from 7:00am to 8:30am, Monday through Friday during term and breakfast is provided. 

After school care is available in the Infants Hall for Infants students only from 3:00pm to 6:00pm Monday through Friday.  PLEASE NOTE this year that after school care is now operating from the Primary Art Room for primary students only from 3:00pm to 6:00pm Monday through Friday.  Afternoon tea is provided.


Families are encouraged to make enquiries or express interest by contacting William Wong on 0410 841 628 or email: or visit the website at


ABSENCES - Please remember to contact (telephone or text) Esteem Kids St Edward's directly if your child is going to be absent on 0481 373 883.  Thank you.

Lowes 20% off Sale

Healthy Lunch Box

Good for Kids, Good for Life

TFSS Parent Workshop.....

Drama Lessons


Don't forget to like us on Facebook and tell your family and friends about our page too!

St Edward's Primary School: Facebook

We are now on Instagram too! Feel free to follow our page to keep in touch with the fantastic things that happen at St Edward's Primary School.

St Edward's Primary School: Instagram