HOY Update



SchoolTV is an online platform that equips parents with relevant, factual information and practical strategies that stimulate discussion, understanding and action across all areas of wellbeing. Topics and special reports address: friendship and belonging, happiness and gratitude, resilience, positive parenting, diversity and inclusion, mindfulness, body image, physical activity and exercise, diet and nutrition, surviving year 12, transitioning to high school, exam jitters, social media and digital reputation, and school refusal.


There is a strong synergy between SchoolTV’s chief purpose and The Gap State High School’s wellbeing framework. At The Gap State High School, we believe that when schools and families work in partnership across the main contexts of wellbeing there tends to be outstanding impacts on children’s health, happiness and resilience.


As James Wilson, Director of SchoolTV, states, “Parents are the ‘first educators”. If you are interested in exploring the content of SchoolTV, it can be accessed for free by visiting our school’s website. 

Physical and Mental Wellbeing 

The Gap State High School’s Wellbeing Framework recognises that there is a strong positive connection between physical and mental wellbeing. It cannot be denied that moving our body is good for our mind! There are many structured opportunities for our students to develop their physical wellbeing through participation in school sports, HPE classes and other physical lessons, camps, carnivals, interhouse and extracurricular activities, and physical classroom brain breaks. 

Below are links to two articles that promote the benefits of being active in the outdoors: 

  • Article 1: Refers to a practice called ‘ecotherapy’ which is a mindful way to interact with nature to improve wellbeing. Benefits of ecotherapy include improving focus, resilience, creativity, empathy and confidence.
  • Article 2: Argues that children who spend more time playing adventurously have lower symptoms of anxiety and depression, and are happier overall.

We have recently surpassed mid-term and some students are starting to feel tired. 


We encourage all families to embrace nature and engage in physical activity to boost family members’ physical and mental wellbeing.