Faculty Update

Our Year 12 Biology students recently embarked on an excursion to Nudgee Beach Education Centre. This outing was a vital component of their senior Biology curriculum, focusing on Biodiversity and the interconnectedness of life.


During their time at Nudgee Beach, students coordinated their data collection, sampling with a variety of randomised methods to run transects, survey wader birds and fish with a drag net. Some students were lucky enough to observe a Far-eastern Curlew – a critically endangered migratory shore-bird. Results will be used for student’s IA2 Experiment.


Maths and Science Competitions 2024

Students are invited to participate in the Mathematics and Science Competitions for 2024 that are offered throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Region.


The competitions are an opportunity for students to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external examination situation with schools provided with a computerised summary of results and information regarding students' achievements. The questions are designed to cater for the complete spectrum of abilities.