Deputy Principal

Ms Buchanan-Hodgson - Deputy Principal Year 

Welcome to Week 6, and is it really half way through our first term? By now our Year 7s will have received their laptops, and recovered from their first high school camp and swimming carnival! Our new staff have started to settle into teaching teams during Monday afternoon Time4 Teachers, and assessment is on the horizon.


Here are some timely topics for your consideration: 


Time4 Students

We are currently preparing our enrichment program for next term’s Monday afternoon student activities. Please contact Mr Bertrand if you have great ideas to support our schedule of activities and events. 



Do your children have a visible study plan? How are they going with time management? These are critical pieces to provide a foundation for success, particularly when multiple subjects have assessment due. Another important aspect for successful outcomes is for students to submit completed drafts for feedback. These are helpful prompts when talking to your household during assessment season. Our senior students need to upload assignments through TurnitIn in Daymap. Teachers will clearly state the conditions for assessment tasks.


Mobile phone and devices

‘Away for the Day’ is the name of the Queensland Government’s new mobile phone policy for all school students. Gap students have demonstrated a high level of compliance and excellent self-regulation by keeping phones and headphones away between the first and last school bell each day. Individual students have begun to step through a four phase process, however the majority are to be commended for their adherence to this policy. We are thrilled with the level of social interaction every day in the playground. It has generated a buzz which takes us back to the ‘good old days’.


Hats in the playground

Over this summer term we are conscious of the wellbeing and health impacts of outdoor play. Students should have hats for all outdoor activities, both during the school day (HPE, APP) and at breaks. Now that mobile phones are ‘away for the day’ we have seen a positive upswing in people actually playing and interacting! It is fabulous to see and hear. Please help us to keep your young people safe by making sure they bring their hat every day.


Community Garden

Thanks to Jay, Cooper, Andy and Sam for stepping up and working in our community garden over the weekend. Work has progressed despite the rain, the heat, and the hostile environment! Watch this space for the gradual progress of our plans to provide a sustainable food garden for our tuckshop. Another working party is planned for the near future, so let Mr Bertrand know if you are keen to contribute.



Please note the correct procedure for students arriving late to school. It is important that students always sign in at student reception. Thank you for your ongoing support with student attendance.


PGD Areas

This term we have commenced a trial during morning tea and lunch breaks where year levels are allocated to a particular playground area. All areas have a combination of seating, toilets, bubblers and some shade. As part of the trial we are taking feedback from teachers, students and parents so that we consider all aspects of the environment as well as the social connection piece. Teachers on playground duty have started to recognise students that they also teach, and stronger student bonds are forming across cohorts. Communal areas include the quad, the basketball courts, the library and the oval. All year levels can gather and interact in communal areas, and currently there are two ‘quiet zones’. We will continue to refine the areas and activities provided to enhance the playground experience for all students and staff.