P&C News

Mrs Erin Williams - P&C President

We had a great turnout for the Year 7 parents gathering last Friday. It was a warm one in Q block atrium, but new parents to the school had a chance to meet other parents, speak to a few teachers, the principal and hear all about the Launch program and their amazing student led activities in Time 4, as well as throughout the year. Parents also got to sample some of the amazing food our tuckshop produces on a daily basis for everyone at the school.


Our next meeting will have our school librarian Melanie Bowe telling us all about some very exciting innovations and activities happening in the library. She recently presented the library’s new plans to Jonty Bush, who is a supporter of growth of the library programs and expansion. Keep your eyes peeled for exciting changes in this space.


The next meeting also includes our AGM, so if you have time on the second Monday of each month and want to know more about what goes on in the school, come along and be part of the P&C. Monday 11 March 7:00 pm in the library. And don’t forget to reapply or newly apply for membership for the new year so you can vote and receive our communications.

Important Dates

8 March 7:15 am - 8:30 am 

International Women's Day Breakfast

8 March 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm 

Trivia Night

11 March 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

P&C Annual General Meeting followed by regular P&C Meeting, featuring Librarian Melanie Bowe


22 March 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

TULA Concert in JA Robertson Hall, come and see our incredible ensembles for an evening of wonderful music