Welcome to our School

Welcome to 2024
It is with excitement that I write this newsletter as the newly appointed principal of Cecil Hills High School. It is an honour and a privilege to join such a vibrant and dedicated community of learners and educators.
As I step into this role, I am filled with a profound sense of responsibility and commitment to uphold the traditions and values that define our school while also embracing innovation and progress. I am thoroughly looking forward to leading the school community through processes of evaluation, growth, collaboration, and excellence, driven by our shared dedication to ensuring that every student connects, succeeds and thrives.
At Cecil Hills high School we ensure that every student is known, valued and cared for by fostering an environment where students feel empowered to explore, question, create, and discover their unique passions and talents. Through personalised learning experiences, rigorous academic pursuits, and a diverse array of extracurricular opportunities, we strive to equip our students with the skills, knowledge, and resilience needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.
I am deeply committed to fostering open lines of communication, collaboration, and partnership with all members of our community. Your insights, feedback, and perspectives are invaluable as we work together to ensure the success and well-being of every student. As partners in learning we can ensure success for all students.
School Community Charter
NSW Public Schools work to create positive environments for students, staff and the entire school community that support student learning. We strive to ensure that every student is known, valued and cared for. The best education happens when students, parents and schools work together.
Parents and carers play an important role in the school community. The School Community Charter informs parents and carers on how to engage with NSW public schools. Read the School Community Charter (PDF 1.4 MB) to ensure you understand how important it is to create a positive learning environment for our students.
Parents and carers can expect:
- to be welcomed into our schools to work in partnership to promote student learning
- communication from teaching staff will be timely, polite, informative and solutions focussed
- professional relationships with school staff will be based on transparency, honesty and mutual respect
- to be treated fairly. Tolerance and understanding are promoted as we respect diversity.
Our staff will find a time to talk to you when they can give you their full attention. Please remember that while our staff are in class or dealing with other matters, they may not be available to answer your questions immediately.
Our schools and communities will make sure that written communication is appropriate, fair and easy to read. We encourage you to use email and social media appropriately to connect with your school and stay up-to-date with events in the school community.
In all workplaces, people have the right to feel respected. Unacceptable and offensive behaviour has no place in our school communities.
To ensure the safety and wellbeing of students, staff and the community in our schools, steps will be taken to address unacceptable behaviour. This may include restricting contact with the school community or, in more serious cases, referral to NSW Police.
Unacceptable behaviour may include but is not limited to:
- Aggressive or intimidating actions, such as violence, threatening gestures or physical proximity.
- Aggressive or intimidating language, including the use of obscenities, making sexist, racist or derogatory comments or using a rude tone.
- Treating members of the school community differently due to aspects such as their religion or disability.
- Inappropriate and time wasting communication.
Every Day Matters
It’s been great to have our students back in classrooms and settling into the school year. I know all our teachers are looking forward to a successful 2024 and are excited to work with you to make this a memorable year for your child.
The evidence is clear that consistent attendance is the essential first step for your child to have a positive experience at school.
Every day matters for your child’s learning. In recent years we’ve seen too many students miss a day of school here and there. Missing school for students means missing assignments, time with friends, an important math lesson or getting picked for a sports team. With days missed, years are lost.
Students are required to attend school every day, whether it’s the first or last day of the term, Mondays, Fridays or days dedicated to sports carnivals, school excursions and incursions.
Help us make sure your child is achieving their best and stays ahead in their learning with regular school attendance. The more time your child attends school, the greater their opportunity to learn, make new friends and improve their wellbeing. Together, let’s build positive attendance habits for a lifetime.
If your child is absent from school, please let us know why as soon as possible, even if it’s just a few minutes at the start or end of the school day. Of course, there will be times when your child is unable to be at school (like when they are unwell). Medical appointments should take place outside school hours where possible and family holidays should be taken in term breaks.
If your child is feeling anxious about coming to school and you need support, please reach out to your child’s teacher or me directly. Our staff are here to work with you and your child to help them attend school each and every day. There are also helpful resources for parents and carers on the Every Day Matters website.
Thank you again for working with our teachers and support staff to make sure your child is at school, on time, every day. We all want to see our students learn, grow and belong in our equitable and outstanding education system.
Revised Student Behaviour Policy
The NSW Department of Education's revised Student Behaviour Policy and new Suspension and Expulsion Procedures, came into effect at the start of Term 1 2024.
The policy and procedures support an inclusive and safe learning environment for your child, staff and every child in NSW public schools.
With the revisions to the policy, we now have clarity and consistency of how we manage disruptive and challenging student behaviour in the classroom, so our teachers can teach, and our students can learn.
The guidelines allow us to work closer together with you to support your child to behave positively and respectfully and when developing individual plans with clear expectations, so they can achieve their best.
We have many practices in place to help our students engage respectfully with each other and their learning. You can find out more about these and advice and support strategies to help you work with their us to achieve positive outcomes for your child through the department’s Behaviour Support Toolkit.
Violence in our schools is never acceptable. Suspension is a critical safeguard for ensuring the safety of our students, teachers and staff.
The staff and I are reviewing our current approach in line with the revised policy and procedures and will share any changes we believe need to be made with you this term.
Parents and carers play an important role in the school community. We will continue to engage and communicate with you around our School Behaviour Support and Management Plan that outlines our school processes and practices moving forward.
Our school already takes a strong, positive, student-centred approach, and we look forward to continuing to work closely with you and all our families to maintaining a safe learning environment so our students can thrive.
If you have any questions about the revised policy and procedures, please contact me.
All the best for the year ahead,