Excursions, Sport, Activities

Yr 11 Amazing Race, Cardinia Division Girls Champions, Lunchtime Activities

Year 11 Team Building Day .... Amazing Race!!!!


On Thursday the 15th of February, our Elite Eleven cohort ventured out into Melbourne’s CBD to partake in a rendition of The Amazing Race, run by Uplift Events, as the first of our team building days for 2024. I can say with certainty that I speak on behalf of the whole year level when I say the day was very full on! Starting in Federation Square at 10:30, our groups of 10-13 students and one staff member began running around the city attempting to solve puzzles, completing challenges and taking photos to earn points from various locations, such as: the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne Central, Parliament House, QV Square and many more. When we arrived back at Fed Square at 12:30, it was announced that Ms McHenry’s Team 13 was victorious, with a total of 450 points, guaranteeing each team member a top locker when we move into Year 12. The day was not over though, as we had the very unusual experience of beautiful weather in Melbourne, which was much appreciated in the hour we had for lunch before taking the train back to Berwick.


            After to speaking to many of my friends, peers and teachers, I am delighted to say that it was a massive success! Our collaboration, communication and problem-solving skills were improved more than we could have even imagined, with everyone having a lot of fun while doing it. As someone who doesn’t normally do a lot of running, I had a great time sprinting through Melbourne’s CBD for most of the day!


           Of course, none of this would have been possible if it weren’t for the great work of our Year 11 Student Engagement Leaders, teachers and all staff members that came along for the day. We’d like to pay special thanks to the following people:

Ms Parma, Mr Sarkissian, Ms O’Shaughnessy, Mr Wilson, Mr Roscoe, Ms Kristie, Mr Hoffman, Ms Liyanage, Ms Nowara, Mrs Mooney, Bryanna S., the amazing Mr McKinnon, Ms Stephens, Ms McHenry, Ms Nettleton, Ms Fenton, Ms S, Mr Stark, Ms Bentley and Tahlia L!

Jesse Barnett (11E)


Last week on Thursday the 15th February, the Year 11 students went to the city to participate in the ‘The Amazing Race.’ We made our way across to Federation Square where we got an explanation of the rules, and then the race was on! We started off doing a range of activities racing to see who could get the most done in our allotted time of two hours. From matching flags and languages to making the letters KC laying down near the library. After the race concluded everyone went off to have lunch with their friends. Overall, it turned out to be a really fun day, with all the groups exhibiting amazing teamwork and navigation skills.

Jordan Street (11C)

Cardinia Division Intermediate Girls Champions

Lunchtime Activities