Literacy Helpers Course

9-10am Tuesday 27th February 2024
Are you interested in helping during reading groups in your child’s classroom?
To help with reading groups in the Foundation and Year One classrooms, you are required to participate in a one hour training course. This course explains the basics of reading and writing, and how both areas are highly dependent on oral language.
We will also look at types of activities and discuss the role and requirements of a parent helper.
Reading groups will commence shortly. To assist in the classroom, you must have a current Working with Children Check and have attended a literacy helpers course. The Literacy helpers course will run next Tuesday, 27th of February from 9-10am in the staff room, and will be the only one for this term. Interested participants can contact Marnie Chapman by email to register their intention to attend. All helpers need to have attended this session prior to working in the classroom with students.
For any further information, please contact
Marnie Chapman,, or
Tracey Toner,