Teaching and Learning

Meet and Greet
A huge thankyou to all who attended the Meet and Greet sessions last week. This was an important time for teachers and parents to share information that will support the positive transition into 2024.
Preps Beginning Full Time Schooling
From next week our fabulous Prep students will begin full time learning after a month of having a rest day on Wednesdays. There’s sure to be some exhausted students over the coming weeks and we thank parents and staff in advance for the support that will be required to get the students through the week.
All our Year 3 and Year 5 students will take place in NAPLAN throughout mid-March. We ask that parents and carers please take note of the dates below and avoid making any appointments during these testing periods. We understand that there may be unavoidable circumstances where students may be absent from school on these days, but where possible we ask you for your support in ensuring that students are in attendance at school on these days.
The NAPLAN testing schedule is as follows:
- Wednesday March 13th- Writing Test
- Thursday March 14th- Reading Test
- Monday March 18th- Language Conventions (spelling, grammar & punctuation)
- Tuesday March 19th- Mathematics
For further information or any questions regarding NAPLAN, please speak with your child’s classroom teacher, Nicole Phillips, or access the parent brochure produced by the Australian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (ACARA) HERE
Last Thursday, February 22nd our Year 5 students who are involved in the Bulldogs Read Program attended the 2024 Launch Day.
Students had the opportunity to gather and meet students from the 7 other schools from in and around Ballarat who are also involved in the program. Students were also fortunate to meet several Western Bulldogs AFL and AFLW players where they were involved in a Q & A session and an autograph signing opportunity.
Staff from the Ballarat Libraries, Bulldogs Ballarat Team and City of Ballarat were also in attendance to provide an orientation to the students of what they can expect for the remainder of the year as part of their participation in the program.
The students will soon be embarking on writing their book reviews that will be published on the Bulldogs Read Website and we look forward to sharing those with the school community throughout the year. You can find out more about the Bulldogs Read Program and access the book reviews on the website HERE