Student Well Being News

With Ms Sue Hone

The time has quickly flown bye and we are now settling into the rhythm of yet another very busy term at MCC. Earlier this term I sent out an email to all staff requesting information regarding what available activities are on offer for our MCC students at lunchtime. The responses were positive, identifying a range of activities which are available to all students and in particular those who are new to our school, those who are trying to find like minded people with similar interests or students who may be feeling isolated, or a tad overwhelmed in the playground. 


Here at MCC we have a wide range of activities to suit a wide range of needs; this includes a vocal group (choir), non-electronic games, a debating group, volunteers for our onsite café, opportunities to be part of a team cooking for Carevan, meditation and access to the library for those who wish to read or just have a quiet space. Other activities available after school include our homework club, art club and cadets.

Evidence based studies identify that these lunchtime programs have immense benefits including~

  • Increasing social skills and improving emotional regulation.
  • communication skills and teamwork. 
  • problem solving, creativity, perseverance and self-confidence.
  • focus, patience and concentration.
  • Improve student engagement and attendance.

There is also the potential for the mindfulness aspect, lowering anxiety and stress levels but most importantly, such groups enhance a sense of belonging and are just good fun!!!!

One of the activities that was not on offer was providing an opportunity for students to be creative. I took the opportunity to speak to some of the students regarding what they would also like to see available, and it has been identified that there is significant interest for a "Lego Club". 


With thanks to some very kind members of the wider Griffith community we were donated enough Lego bricks to get us started and are currently operating the “Lego Club” every Wednesday in the Library, but the bricks are available other lunch times on request. As our participant numbers are steadily increasing additional donations of the bricks are always welcome as well as more members. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you would like further information.



The MCC Year 11 Wellbeing Committee have been holding regular meetings to plan for activities throughout 2024. The role of the committee is to identify opportunities for promoting good mental health and wellbeing, as well as reducing the stigma associated with mental health. Currently the committee is finalising details for some exciting initiatives and activities that will be launched in the near future. 


The committee are showing great enthusiasm and dedication and since its inception in 2011 this is the largest group of volunteers to date with nearly 40 members.

I look forward to working with this passionate group of students and excited about their future plans.


Ms Sue Hone